distorting in English

pull or twist out of shape.
a grimace distorted her fine mouth
give a misleading or false account or impression of.
many factors can distort the results
change the form of (an electrical signal or sound wave) during transmission, amplification, or other processing.
you're distorting the sound by overdriving the amp

Use "distorting" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "distorting" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "distorting", or refer to the context using the word "distorting" in the English Dictionary.

1. You're distorting the truth.

2. 25 Most comedy relies on distorting reality.

3. The idea is distorting , although It'sounds original, thus it is baseless.

4. Cantilever and T-Clamps resist distorting or twisting while being tightened

5. Mr Mantega added that China 's " undervalued currency " was also distorting world trade .

6. Cartograms are distorting the map by resizing its regions according to e.g

7. Many hostile programs also inflict actual damage on data, erasing or distorting files

8. Efforts at artificially distorting prices are self-defeating,as history has shown us.

9. Use a smaller torque value for aluminum jaws to avoid distorting the screw seats

10. But the role of NGOs in distorting information about Israel's military actions has reached crisis point.

11. The two papers are tenable theories on bending or distorting light to electromagnetically conceal an object.

12. We urge all parties to oppose all forms of protectionism and trade distorting domestic support.

13. Therefore, the Commission accepts that these investments were essential for restoring viability without unduly distorting competition.

14. Given the practical limitations of designing non-distorting programs, there are certain prerequisites for an acceptable program.

15. It risks an inefficient, subsidised and sometimes ethically suspect export - industrial complex distorting the national economy.

16. The Department of the Environment immediately issued a furious press release accusing the Chron of distorting the facts.

17. Pockets of hot and cold air in the atmosphere act like prisms and lenses, distorting incoming starlight.

18. We suspect, therefore, that this knowledge had a markedly distorting effect only among a minority of respondents.

19. History as a distorting prism Socioeconomic reality is readily accepted as a construct rather than a predetermined given.

20. Yet last year's prophecy has been fulfilled: an international consumer class is distorting the fabric of an already damaged country.

21. "Typical issues encountered included not appreciating Anorexia is a serious/life-threatening mental illness; not knowing about the distorting

22. Under conditions such as high atmospheric CO2 concentrations, these starch grains may grow very large, distorting the grana and thylakoids.

23. The capsular bag of the eye exerts a distorting force on the IOL, changing its power and allowing for accommodation.

24. You can make your own distorting mirror by pasting a sheet of kitchen foil to a piece of thin cardboard.

25. The tiny bumpiness of the wire is enough to make the current flow in little curves, distorting the magnetic field.

26. Members of all three shifts were milling about the circular room: repeating rumours, distorting facts and generally hyping themselves up.

27. By distorting them, supernova explosions may lead to the shredding of otherwise stable clouds by the tidal field of the nucleus.

28. The capsular bag of the eye exerts a distorting force on the lens, thereby changing its power and allowing for accommodation.

29. Cicatrization is the contraction of fibrous tissue formed at a wound site by fibroblasts, reducing the size of the wound while distorting tissue.

30. THE LIFE OF MAZZINI BOLTON KING And Constraining himself, and distorting his esthetic and ethical feeling, he tries to conform to the …

31. Without spin-orbit coupling and considering only one distorting vibration, the problem can be solved exactly within the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation.

32. One proposal would have permitted a producer to "abridge, condense, edit or dub the work, but without thereby distorting the performance of the performer."

33. At the same time, trade distorting agricultural subsidies given by developed countries also act against the interests of the developing countries, particularly their farming communities.

34. Mosheim regarded the Antinomians as a rigid kind of Calvinists who, distorting the doctrines of absolute decrees, drew from it conclusions dangerous to religion and morals

35. Mosheim regarded the Antinomians as a rigid kind of Calvinists who, distorting the doctrines of absolute decrees, drew from it conclusions dangerous to religion and morals

36. An Azimuthally polarized focal region produced a better quality than a radially or circularly polarized one, with fewer ripples and filaments distorting the shape of the exit grooves

37. The Aggressively Distorting Advanced Machine* is the result of a collaboration with one of the most celebrated artists in today’s metal scene - Adam "Nolly" Getgood

38. "To have a valuation of any other date has the potential for distorting the claim and creating an over- or an underpayment for the claim, " he said.

39. For all its laissez-faire rhetoric, the Reagan administration fought fire with fire, responding to Japan's market-distorting industrial and trade policies with a firm hand.

40. Lying can include misrepresenting or distorting facts in order to mislead a person, omitting key information to deceive someone, and exaggerating the truth in order to give a false impression.

41. However, State aid may have negative effects, such as distorting competition between undertakings and affecting trade between Member States to an extent contrary to the common interests of the Union.

42. This can be heard through Argerich's subtle changes in tonal heft and articulation on the repeats, without recourse to tempo-distorting Agogics, and in Maisky's vibrant yet tasteful string slides

43. An amplitude-limited cumulative signal that is formed from two fed carrier signals by the clipping device is supplied to the output power amplifier via the pre-distorting device and the D/A converter.

44. The Asch Conformity Experiments, conducted by psychologist Solomon Asch in the 1950s, demonstrated the power of Conformity in groups and showed that even simple objective facts cannot withstand the distorting pressure of group influence.

45. Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods. Dr T.P.Chia 

46. If the source country reduces its tax and the residence country admits to the primacy of the source tax within the agreed boundary, they can divide the gain arising from the elimination of the distorting taxes and the consequential improvement in economic efficiency.

47. And indicated the relationships between these particular Admissibilities and some popular AHCAs.Space distortion was defined by Lance and Williams (1967) and this concept was converted into “Space-distorting admissibility” by Chan and Van Ness (1993, 1994b, and 1996).Space distortion is a well-known phenomenon

48. Vu was also accused of "producing documents that spread false and fabricated information, distorting the leadership and management of the state, causing confusion for the people, provoking, advocating for exhorting against the state and slandering and offending the honor of the leaders of the state."