disposable income in English

income remaining after deduction of taxes and other mandatory charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes.
So when that pensioner in my constituency is paying a third of her income, her disposable income , on council tax, is that social justice?

Use "disposable income" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disposable income" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disposable income", or refer to the context using the word "disposable income" in the English Dictionary.

1. Adjusted disposable income (gross)

2. Gerald had little disposable income.

3. Economy: Do customers have enough disposable income?

4. The aggregate income index is disposable income.

5. Some people apparently have too much disposable income.

6. Farmers’ disposable income almost doubled during the reference period.

7. Don't squander your disposable income on a disposable car.

8. Real personal disposable income rose 15 percent over the period.

9. The result was greater earnings and eventually more disposable income.

10. In addition, the personal savings accounts for personal disposable income increased.

11. The effect, of course, is to dampen the growth of disposable income.

12. Skyrocketing energy costs, especially in the Midwest, have eroded consumers' disposable income.

13. The dimensions covered are therefore (adjusted) disposable income, (actual) final consumption, and wealth.

14. Aftertax LICOs were used, since after-tax income is a better indicator of disposable income.

15. Adjusted gross disposable income of households in real terms (PPS per capita: Index 2008=100)

16. Black professionals with disposable income believing in the black community enough to support black businesses.

17. The disparity index is calculated for all three dimensions; adjusted disposable income, actual consumption and wealth.

18. (Disposable income and after-tax income are synonymous; this study will use the term aftertax income.)

19. The amount of income left over after deduction of this taxation is known as disposable income.

20. Those between £58 and £130 pay a quarter of their disposable income above that lower level.

21. The next stage is to account for current transfers, widely interpreted, and thus arrive at “disposable income”.

22. Although these were prosperous years, disposable income of individuals increased by only about 2 I percent.

23. The percentage of disposable income spent at grocery stores and supermarkets has been declining since the 1970s.

24. This implies that the disposable income of the republics and provinces in 1985 was about 251 billion dinars.

25. Motor cycles and scooters, clothes, records, and football expenses accounted fur most of the new disposable income.

26. The currency crisis, with higher mortgages and interest rates, means that consumers have far less disposable income.

27. In view of the high local disposable income, the potential for an evening dining-out market is clearly high.

28. Average annual disposable income of Shanghai residents, based on the first three quarters of 2009, was 21,871 RMB.

29. A Labour victory would have boosted their disposable income by £3 mainly because of the increase in child benefit.

30. The personal sector's disposable income of £500 million is distributed between £000 million consumer purchases and £500 million saving.

31. The lender will work out the level of advance by calculating your disposable income after deducting the regular outgoings.

32. Older people have disposable income and leisure time, key factors in their willingness and ability to buy and use computers.

33. 2 Taxation Tin the circular flow has been interpreted as income taxation and is the difference between gross and disposable income.

34. Taxation Tin the circular flow has been interpreted as income taxation and is the difference between gross and disposable income.

35. Inequalities in disposable income have widened in some countries, while at the same time absolute living standards for many already in vulnerable positions have fallen disproportionately.

36. II.4.1 Use of disposable income account S.1 Resources Gross disposable income Adj. for the change in net equity of households in pension funds Total resources S.1 1 x x S.1 2 x x S.1 3 x x S.14/S.15 S.1 4 x x x S.1 5 x

37. Your ability to pay back is limited by your disposable income, that is, by what remains of your income after all other expenses have been paid.

38. First, front-loaded fiscal austerity – however necessary – is accelerating the contraction, as higher taxes and lower government spending and transfer payments reduce disposable income and aggregate demand.

39. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy.

40. The top 10% (or decile) of earners have an average $257 of disposable income, while those in the bottom decile have $8 among the very lowest of any country.

41. Accelerating affluence in western Europe gave the post-war "baby-boomers" and their successors limited, but unprecedented, quantities of disposable income and manufacturers recognised them as significant consumers of global cultural products, through records, tapes and video imagery.3 There is some evidence that attitudes in this respect may be changing.

42. ‘disposable income’ = employee income + self-employment income, e.g. profits + income from public pensions + income from private and occupational pensions + income from unemployment benefits + income from social transfers other than unemployment benefits + regular private transfers, e.g. alimonies + (gross rental income from real estate property – debt servicing costs on rental property + income from financial investments) + income from private business or partnership + regular income from other sources + loan subsidies – taxes – health care/social security/medical insurance premiums + tax rebates.