dispossessed in English

deprive (someone) of something that they own, typically land or property.
they were dispossessed of lands and properties at the time of the Reformation
synonyms:diveststriprobcheat (out)deprivedo out

Use "dispossessed" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dispossessed" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dispossessed", or refer to the context using the word "dispossessed" in the English Dictionary.

1. Fear dispossessed her of her senses.

2. A reunion of the discouraged, dispossessed. Sentencedict.com

3. He was dispossessed of his wealth.

4. They have dispossessed him of his political rights.

5. They have been unjustly dispossessed of their hometown.

6. The nobles were dispossessed after the revolution.

7. Droves of dispossessed people emigrated to Canada.

8. They have dispossessed her of her house.

9. They dispossessed him from his home.

10. We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters.

11. 3 The landlord has dispossessed the old tenement building.

12. The landlord has dispossessed the old tenement building.

13. The government dispossessed the landlords of their property.

14. A reunion of the discouraged(http://Sentencedict.com), dispossessed.

15. The government dispossessed her from her conutry.

16. The tenant was dispossessed for not paying his rent.

17. 29 The government dispossessed the landlords of their property.

18. If you pay your rent,you can't be dispossessed.

19. He has been unjustly dispossessed of his country.

20. Waves of grain, fruited plains, dispossessed people, tears of rage.

21. The urban poor, too, came originally from dispossessed peasants.

22. The nobles were dispossessed of their lands after the Revolution.

23. Many black South Africans had been dispossessed of their homes.

24. Surely he was only afraid his memories might fade, leaving him dispossessed.

25. Legally dispossessed, the big landowners have almost everywhere recovered their advantage over the small peasants.

26. And the predominantly male legal establishment is naturally reluctant to be dispossessed.

27. Many returning refugees have found themselves dispossessed once more, made refugees in their own land.

28. A lot of people were dispossessed of their homes during the civil war.

29. He's a cultural icon, a standard-bearer for the dispossessed yet still proud black urban youth.

30. They are, moreover, often illegally dispossessed of land their parents had abandoned before they died.

31. 4 He's a cultural icon, a standard-bearer for the dispossessed yet still proud black urban youth.

32. At all events, it was this group of the dispossessed that gave the first successful impetus to the Revolution.

33. The Portuguese were dispossessed by the Dutch in 1605, when Steven van der Hagen took over the fort without a single shot.

34. Aiel definition is - a writ by which an heir entered into his grandfather's estate and dispossessed the third person who had attempted to gain possession.

35. Paterson, son of a dispossessed squatter, writing from a city office, the Bushmen with their horses and simple skills were the

36. First he dispossessed Hendrie in full flight and then set off on a spectacular 50-yard solo run down the right.

37. In this process of dissolution, the monadically closed-off subjectivity of self-assertive and mutually objectifying individuals is dispossessed and cast down into the abyss.

38. And we're doing this because so many of the countries rich in natural resources like oil or diamonds or timber are home to some of the poorest and most dispossessed people on the planet.

39. The Abhorrers—those who thought the Exclusion Bill was abhorrent—were named Tories (after a term for dispossessed Irish Catholic bandits), while the Petitioners—those who supported a petitioning campaign in favour of the Exclusion Bill—were called Whigs (after a term for rebellious Scottish Presbyterians).

40. The Highland Clearances remain a controversial period in Scotland’s history and are still talked of with great bitterness, particularly by those families who were dispossessed of their land and even, to a large extent, of their culture, over the period of around 100 years between the mid 18th to 19th centuries.

41. The Almoravid and Almohad Empires Heir to the Huddid family that once ruled the taifa of Zaragoza, of which he was dispossessed by the Almoravids in 1110 before taking refuge in the fortress of Rueda de Jalon, 'King Zafadola' then became a close collaborator of Alfonso VII and the leader of the Muslim resistance against the Maghrebi Berbers.

42. A famous law suit, in the days of his grandfather, had wrested it from the illegal possession of a neighbouring family of petty landowners; the dispossessed party had never acquiesced in the judgment of the Courts, and a long series of poaching Affrays and similar scandals had embittered the relationships between the families for three generations.

43. ‘Someone who is signing on to receive this is said to be on the Broo.’ ‘Glaswegian writer James Kelman gave voice to the oppressed, dispossessed, disillusioned working class, portraying characters such as Robert Hines in Bus Conductor Hines, Sammy Samuels in How Late it Was, How Late or the hundreds of characters in his short stories spending their existences on the Broo or just talking