developmental biology in English

study of the development of organisms

Use "developmental biology" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "developmental biology" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "developmental biology", or refer to the context using the word "developmental biology" in the English Dictionary.

1. The first Chimeras helped scientists understand questions about developmental biology.

2. Maize is still an important model organism for genetics and developmental biology today.

3. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 12, 28708 (1965) Blastular Arrest and Partial Cleavage of Frog Embryos Injected with Actinomycin D, Mitomycin C, and Homologous Liver Macromolecules3 CHARLES G

4. These fundamental processes of symmetry breaking, Axiation, patterning, and morphogenesis have been extensively studied in developmental biology but less so at the subcellular level.

5. " We also saw that males from one fly strain were more successful in garnering progeny with females ," said study lead author Mariana Wolfner , professor of developmental biology at Cornell .

6. It will be in the convergence of evolutionary biology, developmental biology and cancer biology that the answer to cancer will lie. Nor will this confluence be a one-way street.

7. The study of Allometry and scaling has now become an exceptionally diverse field, with different investigators applying state of the art methods and concepts in evolution, developmental biology, cell biology and genetics

8. Biophysics (7018) Cancer Biology (5477) Cell Biology (7853) Clinical Trials (138) Developmental Biology (4609) Ecology (7270) Epidemiology (2059) Evolutionary Biology (10347) Genetics (7590) Genomics (9917) Immunology (4969) Microbiology (13471) Molecular Biology (5212) Neuroscience (29892) Paleontology (206)

9. CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing in one Blastomere of two-cell embryos reveals a novel Tet3 function in regulating neocortical development Studying the early function of essential genes is an important and challenging problem in developmental biology.

10. The Space Biomining team is composed of students, scientists, and engineers from CU’s aerospace engineering sciences, geological sciences, and molecular, cellular and developmental biology (MCDB) departments, Biomining experts from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia, and Crow Industries, Inc

11. Trans-Golgi Network-Located AP1 Gamma Adaptins Mediate Dileucine Motif-Directed Vacuolar Targeting in ArabidopsisC W Xiangfeng Wang,a,1 Yi Cai,a,1 Hao Wang,a Yonglun Zeng,a Xiaohong Zhuang,a Baiying Li,a and Liwen Jianga,b,2 a School of Life Sciences, Centre for Cell and Developmental Biology and State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, The Chinese