glowed in English

give out steady light without flame.
the tips of their cigarettes glowed in the dark
synonyms:radiate heatsmolderburn

Use "glowed" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glowed" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glowed", or refer to the context using the word "glowed" in the English Dictionary.

1. It almost glowed.

2. The east glowed opalescent.

3. The furnaces glowed fiercely.

4. The bedside lamp glowed dimly.

5. Her cheeks glowed with shame.

6. Embers glowed in the furnace.

7. The metal glowed in the furnace.

8. The end glowed in the twilight.

9. 9 The polished floor glowed richly.

10. Her freckled skin glowed with health again.

11. The church walls glowed in the candlelight.

12. Bald pates glowed; eyeglasses glistened.

13. The polished floor glowed richly.

14. The coals glowed red in the dying fire.

15. The embers still glowed in the hearth.

16. The painting glowed with beautiful autumn tints.

17. Maple leaves glowed red in the sunlight.

18. The whole countryside glowed with autumn tints.

19. Lights glowed dimly through the woodland.

20. A cigarette glowed in the dark.

21. The room glowed in the firelight.

22. The poker glowed red-hot in the fire.

23. A cigarette end glowed red in the darkness.

24. The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness.

25. 1 Even the mantel above the fire glowed white.

26. The end of the cigarette glowed in the twilight.

27. The room glowed cozy and warm in the firelight.

28. 11 The dome of the Capitol glowed in the background.

29. The dome of the Capitol glowed in the background.

30. My entire hand glowed in the dark.

31. Two lamps glowed softly in the lounge.

32. Red hot coals glowed in the grate.

33. Red-hot coals glowed in the fire.

34. Red-hot coals glowed in the fireplace.

35. The lighted candles glowed in the darkness.

36. When Alabastra stepped into the light I swear she glowed

37. Mr. Pickwick's countenance glowed with an expression of universal philanthropy.

38. Ivor Shilton, a midfield dynamo whose nose glowed in the dark.

39. 2 Her freckled skin glowed with health again.

40. The stones around the bonfire glowed red with the heat.

41. 15 Gold braid glowed on his peaked hat and epaulettes.

42. The whole horizon glowed with the light of the great fire.

43. In these superb light conditions its deeply forked tail glowed a rich chestnut.

44. Profit that glowed like beads in a smoked-glass display.

45. Beards wagged, and noodles dangled over them. Bald pates glowed; eyeglasses glistened.

46. The fall foliage glowed red and yellow in the morning sunlight.

47. The distant mountains glowed in the light of the setting sun.

48. Inside it a few pathetic bones glowed red hot and then crumbled into fine ash.

49. There was no gaslight in the apartments; only kerosene lamps glowed in the windows.

50. He could feel the Alerted tension of the four as the golden eyes glowed at him