development bank in English

bank whose purpose is to offer assistance to new and developing businesses

Use "development bank" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "development bank" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "development bank", or refer to the context using the word "development bank" in the English Dictionary.

1. CASDB (Central African States Development Bank

2. The African Development Bank introduced a trade finance programme.

3. Web site(s) African Development Bank (AfDB)

4. The Creditor Hungarian Development Bank is state-owned as well

5. (46) These include those commissioned by the African Development Bank.

6. African Development Bank (AfDB) Private Sector Operations TUNIS pdf version

7. • Lambert Somec Electrifies Senegal with Financing from the African Development Bank

8. Central African States Development Bank Financial Products: Loans, Equity Priority Sectors:

9. � Asian Development Bank, Sustainable Transport Initiative Operational Plan (Manila: ADB, 2010).

10. [6] African Development Bank, 2010, “Infrastructure Deficit and Opportunities for Africa”

11. The African Development bank has agreed to supply $8 million towards it.

12. Visit to the African Development Bank Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Tuesday, February 16, 1999.

13. The African Development Bank is preparing to bring its headquarters to Côte d’Ivoire.

14. With assistance from the African Development Bank, the programme extended services to 22 districts.

15. A year later, the Asian Development Bank reported that Pakistan's economic crisis was easing.

16. Moreover, only the African Development Bank indicated financial support for regional and cross-border projects

17. India joined the African Development Fund in 1982 and the African Development Bank in 1983.

18. combines the expertise of the African Development Bank, the OECD Development Centre and others.

19. The African Development Bank and UNICEF are helping to meet the demand for school gardens.

20. UNECA and the African Development Bank (AfDB) are developing a Pan-African Land Policy Framework.

21. The West African Development Bank (BOAD), which is associated with UEMOA, is based in Lomé.

22. Angula previously was Chairman for Development Bank of Namibia and President at Law Society of Namibia

23. The Asian development bank, headquarter in Manila, the Philippines, can do nothing about the financial crisis.

24. The programme is jointly funded by the African Development Bank and the Government of Sierra Leone

25. She currently serves as Manager of the financial sector development division, at the African Development Bank.

26. Grant cofinancing ($15 millions) – Asian Development Bank (ADB). Competitive Contracts in the implementation of this project:

27. “ India Africa Summit and a meeting of African Development Bank were held in India, recently”, he said.

28. According to the Asian Development Bank, Asia will account for 52 percent of global GDP by 2050.

29. The African Development Bank, for instance, was using that agency to implement a socio-economic reinsertion project

30. - share best practice with international organisations such as the World Bank, IMF, and the African Development Bank;

31. In 1994 he left this position to become the President of the West African Development Bank (BOAD).

32. We are also encouraged by the steps taken to find a solution for the African Development Bank.

33. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been entrusted with the task of drawing a roadmap to achieve SAEU.

34. Posted on April 2, 2004 Asian Development Bank Opens New Office in Afghanistan The Asian Development Bank (ADB) renewed its commitment to work with Afghanistan in its rebuilding efforts by opening of a new resident mission office in Kabul recently.

35. For the years # two banks granted micro-credits: the Coffee Bank (BANCAFE) and the Rural Development Bank (BANRURAL

36. Consultant of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the Women’s Bureau (ATN/SF-5034-PR), 1996-1998

37. $320 million were Borrowed from commercial banks, $230 million from China and $70 million from Islamic Development Bank

38. The African Development Bank developed operational guidelines for involuntary resettlement, also similar to the World Bank guidelines, in

39. The African Development Bank also provides special gender focus and perspective in its development projects in African countries.

40. The IMF mission was organized jointly with missions from the World Bank and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

41. This project had previously been rejected by the African Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank in 1992.

42. The Commission is working on a ‘common approach paper’ with the IMF, World Bank, and African Development Bank.

43. From # to # the African Development Bank financed # projects of the New Partnership for Africa's Development amounting to $ # million

44. Question: In what ways can the New Development Bank established by BRICS countries in July 2015 benefit African countries?

45. This will provide a platform to promote collaboration between NDB and other development partners including the African Development Bank.

46. In May 2017, we hosted the meeting of African Development Bank on the Indian soil for the first time.

47. Soon after Vicente Fox took office as president, Calderón was appointed director of Banobras, a state-owned development bank.

48. Together with the European Investment Bank and the African Development Bank, they need to identify areas for high-impact projects.

49. Under the leadership of the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and UNDP, a number of meetings were held

50. Under the leadership of the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and UNDP, a number of meetings were held.