deny one's faith in English

say that one no longer believes that one's religion is true, leave one's religio

Use "deny ones faith" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deny ones faith" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deny ones faith", or refer to the context using the word "deny ones faith" in the English Dictionary.

1. 17 Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.

2. 12 Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.

3. What does Apostatize mean? To abandon one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause

4. Attorn definition: acknowledge a new land owner as one's landlord synonyms: admit, acknowledge antonyms: deny, disavow, exclude

5. The reasons for becoming a Berther may include maintaining one's sanity, protecting one's self and others, including the lunatic fringe, and preserving one's faith in mankind.

6. A quick perusal of the latest Chinese economic indicators doesn't bolster one's faith.

7. 21 When we deny autonomy to our 10-year-old, are we too guilty of bad faith?

8. It insists upon one's performing an act of lucidity as one performs an act of faith.

9. Deny Rocket Lag.

10. “To deny reincarnation is also to deny the words of Christ,” wrote Allan Kardec.

11. Browse deny specifies an address mask to deny for incoming browser packets. The default is to deny packets from no addresses

12. He will deny you.

13. bWho can deny his sayings?

14. But why deny the dementors?

15. The directors all deny financial misconduct.

16. On the contrary, if criticize simply, deny, child's understanding will is downhearted, deny oneself, lack confidence.

17. With faith come trials of faith, bringing increased faith.

18. Antichrists are those who deny the divinity of Jesus Christ or essential parts of his gospel and actively oppose the followers of Christ or seek to destroy their faith

19. I deny my homosexual condition.

20. Do you deny producing said Patronus?

21. Allowed values are allow or deny.

22. And he will deny your daughter.

23. I deny, disaffirm and disavow that...

24. All deny conspiring to smuggle drugs.

25. Organisers deny it's a soft option.