defeasible in English

open in principle to revision, valid objection, forfeiture, or annulment.
In the jargon, this means that any scientific claim is defeasible , meaning it is in principle open to revision or rejection in the light of further disclosures, arguments, or evidence.

Use "defeasible" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "defeasible" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "defeasible", or refer to the context using the word "defeasible" in the English Dictionary.

1. Fourthly, it seems to be a fact that pragmatic constraints are generally defeasible, or not invariable.

2. Advisablenesses: Advisably : advisatory Words that sound like or rhyme with Advisably advisable advisability devisable divisible divisively divisibility adviceful divisive defeasible diffusively

3. Argumentation In both fields the notion of defeat is central-in Argumentation defeat is among arguments, but in defeasible logic defeat is typically among rules

4. Individual case—the Blamability of bribe-taking corruption is defeasible—but the burden of persuasion is on the person who wants to redeem the act