critical mass in English

the minimum amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction.
Just two months earlier, the Observer published internal documents indicating that there had been eight breaches of safety rules intended to prevent critical masses of fissile material being brought together.
the minimum size or amount of something required to start or maintain a venture.
a communication system is of no value unless there is a critical mass of users

Use "critical mass" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "critical mass" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "critical mass", or refer to the context using the word "critical mass" in the English Dictionary.

1. Now we've switched to critical mass.

2. After Interplanetary Critical Mass, CicloPICNIC on Pincio's grass.

3. These are now technologies that are hitting critical mass.

4. When a critical mass has been obtained, there's an abrupt acceleration in recruitment.

5. For transaction platforms, both producers and consumers must be present to achieve critical mass.

6. Network effects become significant after a certain subscription percentage has been achieved, called critical mass.

7. And ideas achieving critical mass is what political activism in popular government is all about.

8. Aftermass: Bicycling in a Post-Critical Mass Portland Photos View All Photos (11) Movie Info

9. It also supports demand-aggregation policies to ensure a critical mass of users in public administrations.

10. Achieving a critical mass of services throughout the EU is one of the Action Plan's indicative targets.

11. The Blogosphere is a way of describing the social creature that grows from a critical mass of blogs

12. Simplified semi-empirical equations for the prediction of critical mass flow rates through pressure relief valves are presented.

13. Popular movements agitating for change could be detected early and their leaders eliminated before their ideas achieve critical mass.

14. After it falls below a critical price, it will tend, if it's successful, to rise above a critical mass, a penetration.

15. When the fissile atoms are packed closer together, the rate of neutron capture increases, and the mass becomes a critical mass.

16. Once the Blob reaches critical mass, the Blob has a minute or so to absolutely devour the station with its now insane spread rate

17. RS Ophiuchi has flared into a (recurrent) nova on at least six occasions, each time accreting the critical mass of hydrogen needed to produce a runaway explosion.

18. Critical Mass Canada is a recognised leader in telecommunications and networks, wireless and optical technologies, software development, advanced semiconductor design and the convergence of Internet-related technologies.

19. You must give more cards to people so that they have the critical mass of cards to take the risk to cooperate, to move out of insulation.

20. His series Confected is also part of Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Photography Midwest Photographers Project and his newest series Adorned was selected as one of Photo Lucida Critical Mass top 50 series

21. whereas migration to SEPA instruments by public administrations is lagging behind expectations in most Member States, though these bodies should play a catalytic role in creating the critical mass needed to accelerate migration towards SEPA,

22. These regions will have to position themselves in relation to neighbouring metropolitan areas by developing their residential economy or by specialising in areas with less marked agglomeration effects or where a lower critical mass is required.

23. These regions will have to position themselves in relation to neighbouring metropolitan areas by developing their residential economy or by specialising in areas with less marked agglomeration effects or where a lower critical mass is required

24. Lotus Software founder and early Internet activist Mitch Kapor commented in a Time magazine article in 1993 that "the true sign that popular interest has reached critical mass came this summer when the New Yorker printed a cartoon showing two computer-savvy canines".

25. The Arctic and Bornite copper deposits have been explored for decades but a new discovery at Bornite by Vancouver,B.C.-based NovaCopper Resources this summer may push the known higher-grade copper resource to up to a critical mass where development may be possible.

26. SUPER FUNDER: You will receive $100 & A T-Shirt, Between Resistance & Community, Cantankerous Titles, Cycling Shorts DVD, Aftermass, and If It Ain't Cheap, It Ain't Punk DVDs plus a copy of all of the police documents that pertain to Portland's Critical Mass history.

27. A Criticality accident is an uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reaction.It is sometimes referred to as a critical excursion, critical power excursion, or divergent chain reaction.Any such event involves the unintended accumulation or arrangement of a critical mass of fissile material, for example enriched uranium or plutonium.Criticality accidents can release potentially fatal radiation doses

28. Whereas China, a latecomer to the field, has already developed, in the last three decades, a critical mass of students and scholars of IR, we are behind where we were in the heady days of the Nehruvian 1950s when we established bodies like Sapru House and the Indian Council of World Affairs which we have allowed to atrophy.