criminal offense in English

act committed or omitted in violation of a law

Use "criminal offense" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "criminal offense" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "criminal offense", or refer to the context using the word "criminal offense" in the English Dictionary.

1. All Cuban citizens over 16 who have not been convicted of a criminal offense can vote.

2. Accosting, enticing or soliciting a child for immoral purpose is a felony criminal offense in Michigan

3. The use of COBOL Cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be reguarded as a criminal offense.

4. 10 words related to Carjack: crime, criminal offence, criminal offense, law-breaking, offense, offence, commandeer, highjack, hijack, pirate

5. Bigamy as per different dictionaries is defined as- Bigamy is a criminal offense if it is committed intentionally or knowingly

6. In several states in the United States and in Britain, Blasphemy is a criminal offense, although there have been few …

7. Although Attempt never results in the finished criminal offense, both conspiracy and solicitation could give rise to separate completed crimes.

8. Affray A criminal offense generally defined as the fighting of two or more persons in a public place that disturbs others

9. Adjudicated delinquent: a person found to have committed an offense that, if committed by an adult, would be a criminal offense.

10. Suppose an ex post facto law makes it a criminal offense to shoot unarmed trespassers on one's property for any reason whatsoever.

11. Complicity in criminal law refers to when someone is legally accountable, or liable for a criminal offense, based upon the behavior of another

12. However, Backdating a contract should not be done lightly because it easily can be considered a criminal offense that carries quite hefty consequences

13. 2 days ago · Constitutionally, what would happen if the Icelandic President is convicted of a criminal offense? Ask Question Asked today

14. Aiding and Abetting is NOT a separate criminal offense, but rather a separate theory of how someone may be guilty of an underlying offense

15. Until January 2013, a Bounced check was a criminal offense in the United Arab Emirates that led to imprisonment of the person who wrote it

16. In India, a Bounced check is a criminal offense, punishable by fines and/or jail term, under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

17. To be exact, Bigamy is a criminal offense used in court when a legally married individual marries a secondary or additional spouse after a prior legal marriage

18. Assimilative Crimes Act State law is applied or incorporated under the Assimilative Crimes Act only when Congress has not enacted a statute that prohibits a criminal offense

19. Counterfeiting is a criminal offense that involves fraudulently manufacturing and distributing an item of lesser value than the genuine product, usually for the purpose of monetary gain.

20. 24 Since bookmaking was a criminal offense under state and federal laws, Marchetti was forced either to violate the law by not registering or to incriminate himself.

21. Laws vary a bit across states, but aiding and Abetting is typically the act of deliberately helping someone else (known as the “principal” or “perpetrator”) commit a criminal offense

22. While many people may not think twice about operating office pools or placing bets with bookies on sporting events, pool selling, Bookmaking and wagering is a serious criminal offense that can …

23. Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one's private gain

24. Other articles where Buggery Act is discussed: gay rights movement: Gay rights prior to the 20th century: VIII, England passed the Buggery Act, which made sexual relations between men a criminal offense punishable by death

25. Clemency is an act of forgiveness or mercy granted to a convicted person for his criminal offense It can be any of the following types : a Presidential Pardon, a commutation of sentence, or a Reprieve

26. Last month, we and another colleague at Protect Democracy argued that the meaning of “Bribery” as the term is used in the Constitution goes beyond the criminal offense of Bribery as defined in the U.S

27. Buggery The criminal offense of anal or oral copulation by penetration of the male organ into the anus or mouth of another person of either sex or copulation between members of either sex with an animal.

28. While Abandonment of a marriage or marital property is a civil matter to be dealt with in family court, Abandonment of a child may also be a criminal offense for which the individual may face criminal charges

29. Crime, délit, and Contravention, three classifications of criminal offense that are central to the administration of justice in many Roman- and civil-law countries (for distinctions in Anglo-American law covering analogous offenses, see felony and misdemeanour)

30. Amnesty: The action of a government by which all persons or certain groups of persons who have committed a criminal offense—usually of a political nature that threatens the sovereignty of the government (such as Sedition or treason)—are granted Immunity from prosecution

31. Complicitors Applies to Sentence Enhancers ¶11 Under the complicitor liability theory, “[a] person is legally accountable as principal for the behavior of another constituting a criminal offense if, with the intent to promote or facilitate the commission of the offense, he or she aids, abets,

32. A State Criminal Background Check includes county court and sex offender registry information, state Administrative Office of Courts, Department of Correction, and Department of Public Safety revealing felony, misdemeanor, sex offender, inmate, probation, and other state and county Criminal offense records at the state level.

33. Other articles where Contravention is discussed: crime, délit, and Contravention: Contravention, three classifications of criminal offense that are central to the administration of justice in many Roman- and civil-law countries (for distinctions in Anglo-American law covering analogous offenses, see felony and misdemeanour)

34. Coercion and enticement (a) Whoever knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or Coerces any individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, to engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not

35. Bail-jumping - the criminal offense of defaulting on one's Bail; Bailee - a person who receives personal property from another as a Bailment; Bailer/Bail agent/Bail bondsman - one who provides Bail as a surety for a criminal defendant's release; Bail bond - a bond given to a court by a criminal defendant's surety to guarantee that the defendant will duly appear in court in the future and, …