cover story in English

a magazine article that is illustrated or advertised on the front cover.
A front page cover story or a feature spread in a magazine helps boost exposure, thereby boosting potential sales.
a fictitious account invented to conceal a person's identity or reasons for doing something.
The cover story and the identity documents carried by Tai and his traveling companions were quickly discovered to be false.

Use "cover story" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cover story" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cover story", or refer to the context using the word "cover story" in the English Dictionary.

1. Confronting Chicago’s history of segregation Cover Story

2. Read more in Counseling Today's March cover story, “Counseling …

3. I was going to have a cover story in Forbes.

4. The explosion of your nuclear submarine was a cover story for these events?

5. As a cover story he generally tells people he is a freelance photographer.

6. The fascinating cover story on Putin was written by deputy managing editor Adi Ignatius.

7. In 1990, the issue received the final accolade of media stardom-a TIME Magazine cover story.

8. The book was published in March 1999; it was also excerpted as a cover story in Time magazine.

9. Essence magazine has a cover story on ''The Life and Times of a College Buppie,'' in which the …

10. The admission did little to sway Roswell investigators, who reject the Project Mogul explanation as just another cover story.

11. Avalanching nanoparticles, co-developed by researchers at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry, are featured in a cover story of Nature

12. Their cover story this time was that they were in a sailing club and needed the material to make sails.

13. By the time they leave here no one could crack them, they believe their own cover story, they are schizophrenic.

14. The cover story recalls the Armagh railway disaster of June 1889 when 80 people died on an excursion train bound for Warrenpoint.

15. It was heard as far away as El Paso, Texas, so Groves issued a cover story about an ammunition magazine explosion at Alamogordo Field.

16. ‘George & Amal Separate Lives’ The cover story of Life & Style promises “surprising” photos and “fights over money.” The scoop comes from an alleged “insider” who claims the

17. In a recent cover story by Rolling Stone, Ament and McCready admitted that Ament came up with "Pearl", and "Jam" was added after the band members saw Neil Young live.

18. If you care about the decline in mental health among young people, which Jonathan Haidt and I discuss in “The Coddling of the American Mind” (COTAM), be sure to check out this month’s cover story for The Atlantic magazine, “The Anxious Child and the Crisis of Parenting,” by Kate Julian — a deep dive into what is causing the spike in anxiety among children.