chimneypieces in English

a mantelpiece.
The newly-installed chimney piece in Prince William's university digs - a large country house just outside St Andrews - is the ultimate stamp of approval for the small Borders firm of Thistle & Rose.

Use "chimneypieces" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "chimneypieces" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "chimneypieces", or refer to the context using the word "chimneypieces" in the English Dictionary.

1. Working in partnership with private individuals, designers & specialist institutions, Anthemion provides a discreet & confidential service advising on the purchase, sale, restoration and cleaning of all forms of fine architectural ornament, including fountains, statues, urns, seats, sundials, chimneypieces and panelled rooms.

2. Diverse Maniere d'adornare i cammini ed ogni altra parte degli edifizi desunte dall'architettura Egizia, Etrusca, e Greca con un Ragionamento Apologetico in defesa dell'Architettura Egizia, e Toscana, opera del Cavaliere Giambattista Piranesi Architetto (Diverse Ways of ornamenting chimneypieces and all other parts of houses taken from Egyptian, Etruscan, and Grecian architecture with an