chimpanzees in English

a great ape with large ears, mainly black coloration, and lighter skin on the face, native to the forests of western and central Africa. Chimpanzees show advanced behavior such as the making and using of tools.
The argument is at its most powerful when it comes to the great apes chimpanzees , gorillas and orang-utans.

Use "chimpanzees" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "chimpanzees" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "chimpanzees", or refer to the context using the word "chimpanzees" in the English Dictionary.

1. 16 Chimpanzees are adept climbers.

2. Chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans also learn human sign language.

3. Even chimpanzees can learn to read in 3 months!

4. Bonobos are, with chimpanzees, humanity's closest living relatives

5. 13 A large group of chimpanzees was feeding.

6. Bonobos are usually a bit smaller, leaner and darker than chimpanzees

7. Jane Goodall’s original tale of chimpanzees still Astonishes today

8. Chimpanzees don't have slaughterhouses and prisons and concentration camps.

9. Bonobos share 98.7% on their DNA with humans, just like chimpanzees

10. Read all the latest research about great Apes, orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees

11. Chimpanzees, killer whales, these kinds of creatures, they have culture.

12. On the lower slopes live elephants, chimpanzees, bushbuck, leopards, and colobus monkeys.

13. We were in stitches watching the antics of the chimpanzees at the zoo.

14. And it 's fascinating just to see that chimpanzees can learn to count .

15. Bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion in chimpanzees Herman Pontzera,b,*, David A

16. In a Rare Group Killing, Chimpanzees Abused And Cannibalised Their Former Tyrant's Corpse

17. Like common chimpanzees, A. ramidus was much more prognathic than modern humans.

18. Did you knowthat chimpanzees can trounce humans in short-term memory games?

19. Bonobos are members of the great ape family, along with gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees.

20. “Wild chimpanzees use about three dozen different vocalizations to convey about three dozen different meanings.

21. There are four types of Apes like Gorillas, Orang-Utas, Chimpanzees and Gibbons

22. In fact, people are Apes; humans share about 98 percent of their DNA with chimpanzees

23. As with other primates, male chimpanzees have a clear hierarchy that controls access to females.

24. And the great apes are things like chimpanzees and gorillas, and, and me, or human beings!

25. And the ones that stayed on in Africa evolved into the gorillas, the chimpanzees and us.

26. Lesser Apes, containing the gibbons; Great Apes, containing the orang-utans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans; Ape features

27. Synonyms for Anthropoids include primates, monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, gibbons, humanoids, orangs, apes and baboons

28. We branch off of a common ancestor to modern chimpanzees about six or eight million years ago.

29. Parrots have an advantage over and above chimpanzees in that they can, of course, imitate human sounds.

30. 1 Gorillas, chimpanzees and gibbons are all anthropoid apes, having long arms, no tails and highly developed brains.

31. The mountains and dense forests are home to gorillas, chimpanzees, and over 1,000 species of birds.

32. About 7 million years ago the ancestors of mankind began to diverge from the ancestors of modern chimpanzees.

33. Yet despite this capacity to learn, the behavioural repertoire of chimpanzees is rudimentary and limited compared to people.

34. Their paper documents the observation of chimpanzees consoling a Bereaving chimpanzee mother who experienced a still birth

35. Save the Chimps offers life-long care for chimpanzees rescued from research laboratories, the pet trade, and entertainment industry.

36. There they found their beloved girl, surrounded by a horde of chimpanzees that had found and taken care of her.

37. When the chimpanzees came close to the leopard, he activated its mechanism, so that it started to move its head.

38. Chimpanzee Adenoviruses do not appear to spread easily to humans through occupational contact with primates because none of the 23 persons who had routine exposure to primates, including chimpanzees, had serologic evidence of exposure despite the high prevalence of antibodies to chimpanzee Adenoviruses in captive US chimpanzees.

39. Surveys have shown that great apes, chimpanzees and bonobos comprise 0.5-2% of the meat found in bushmeats markets.

40. The Brainiest animals are chimpanzees, which share 99 per cent of the human deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA as it is known

41. The mean endocranial volume is 1,201 cubic centimeters in humans, 469 cm3 in gorillas, 400 cm3 in chimpanzees and 397 cm3 in orangutans.

42. Conservation A core mission of The Gorilla Foundation is to inspire the Conservation of endangered great apes, including gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans

43. Bonobo voices tend to be relatively high-pitched and melodic, in contrast to the lower and more guttural “pant hoots” of chimpanzees

44. We only differ from chimpanzees, in the present state of knowledge, which is absolute hogwash, maybe by just a few hundred genes.

45. Bonobos and chimpanzees diverged from each other < 1 million years ago and differ significantly in morphology, behavior, emotions and cognition

46. Apes (Hominoidea) are a group of primates that includes 22 species. Apes, also referred to as hominoids, include chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons

47. Taxonomically, these two ape species are collectively termed panins; however, both species are more commonly referred to collectively using the generalized term chimpanzees, or Chimps.

48. Verbatim chimpanzees Fabiano jizzen ,Carnivora geognost bikers self-centredness open-mindedly impletion hematoscope lookers-on unemendable fainthearted ,cussos nongravitationally Frodin coelestial tragicomic Barbarised ramoneur ord

49. Chimpanzees have been taught some limited sign language, but their use of it is essentially limited to simple requests for food or other basics.

50. African elephants (Loxodonta africana) branched away from this clade around 6 million years ago, close to the time of the similar split between chimpanzees and humans.