can mean in English

can signify; can intend to express

Use "can mean" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "can mean" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "can mean", or refer to the context using the word "can mean" in the English Dictionary.

1. Allostasis can mean various things

2. Awkwardness Can Mean We Are Sincere

3. Understand what unexcused Absences can mean

4. Non payment of rent can mean eviction.

5. Accessible can mean easy to get to

6. Cooperation in the workplace can mean many things

7. Both Below and under can mean ‘lower than’.

8. can mean many different things to a patient.

9. Convenience can mean different things for different companies

10. That can mean a fight to the death.

11. Yet Anarchy can mean a number of different things

12. Contemplative practice can mean many things to many people

13. Conformation can mean following the rules, or fitting in

14. Coarse can mean rough to the touch or vulgar

15. Yes, “Barring” something can mean “blocking”, “not permitting”, “barricading”

16. Finally, Apprehension can mean one's understanding of an idea.

17. Butthurt surpasses the others, because it can mean almost anything

18. In some languages, “temper” can mean to moderate or restrain.

19. Bler can mean two things depending on the pronounciation of it

20. Sexual Abstinence and outercourse can mean different things to different people

21. But you know what a decline in my visual acuity can mean.

22. This can mean rubbing the infant 's back or tapping the feet .

23. Africanism is the philosophy of education can mean a number of different things

24. Failure to access the best information can mean proper mitigation is not implemented.

25. Treating the congestion may help.Clogged sinuses can mean more than a stuffy nose

26. The phrase “become familiar” translates a Hebrew word that can mean “to cherish.”

27. Crashing can mean flying through the air faster than a free-falling skydiver.

28. For the owner, it can mean heartbreak at the loss of a family pet.

29. At the least, "Cellared by" can mean the wine itself was bought …

30. Earning 37 demerit points in one year can mean the end of a job.

31. now sometimes that can mean making sure they understand entirely what they're capable of.

32. Gratitude can mean a simile or a thank - you, or a gesture of appreciation.

33. Comprehensive, too, can mean unprincipled inclusiveness, the inclusiveness of the syllabus or the anthology.

34. As a verb, Bother can mean that you take the trouble to do something

35. In the owner's native tongue, Campo can mean "field" or "countryside"

36. Agonize can mean to suffer true pain, but it's generally a mental type of anguish

37. Biweekly and bimonthly can mean the same thing because of the prefix bi-, which here can mean “occurring every two” or “occurring twice in.” Therefore, Biweekly can be “twice in a week” or “every other week.” Bimonthly can also mean "every other week" if it's twice in a month, or it can mean “every other month.”

38. Coddling a kid can mean many things, and much of “Babying” is a personal opinion

39. Thus, it can mean to acknowledge sin or to Confess or acknowledge someone as something.

40. Crazy can mean mentally ill. Crazy can also mean behaving in a strange way esp

41. Poor Circulation in legs can mean that there is decreased blood flow to your legs

42. It also can mean "open to advice" (1660s), but… See definitions of Advisable.

43. Living in a foreign country can mean you're always at sea about what's going on.

44. When Buoy is a verb, it can mean to float like a Buoy, literally or figuratively

45. What does it mean to be Collared? It can mean many things to many different people

46. Biffing An Auto-Antonym, can mean to do something with great vigour or with little enthusiasm.

47. Bruising when you are of old age can mean a sign of a more serious problem

48. Arrears can mean payment is overdue, or that the payment isn’t due until after the service period

49. Extensive field research can mean long periods living under adverse conditions to which the researcher is unaccustomed.

50. Bluff can mean a high cliff, or it can describe a person who is abrupt in manner