buchenwald concentration camp in English


very large Nazi concentration camp established in 1937 in the Buchenwald forest

Use "buchenwald concentration camp" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "buchenwald concentration camp" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "buchenwald concentration camp", or refer to the context using the word "buchenwald concentration camp" in the English Dictionary.

1. Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald.

2. Later, they visited the remains of the Naci Nazi death camp at Buchenwald.

3. Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp in death campat Buchenwald.

4. Later they visited the remains of the note sea dies Nazi death camp at Buchenwald.

5. First sent to Esterwegen concentration camp; kept preaching in the camp.

6. Central to the case against Rose were typhus experiments in the concentration camps Buchenwald and Natzweiler.

7. Concentration Camp Kaiserwald and the Barrackings

8. 12 Dachau, 1st concentration camp, completed.

9. Concentration Camp Kaiserwald and the Barrackings

10. Concentration Camp Kaiserwald and the Barrackings

11. Pile of boots at Auschwitz concentration camp.

12. Entrance to the concentration camp at Gusen.

13. (13) Woman forgives a concentration camp guard

14. 4 It's not like a concentration camp.

15. In fact, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was …

16. The camp was the first Nazi concentration camp liberated by the U.S. Army.

17. As well as the one built at Belsen, concentration camps were also built at Dachau and Buchenwald (Germany), Mautausen (Austria

18. Hwasong concentration camp, at 549 km2 (212 sq mi) the largest North Korean concentration camp, is located between Mantapsan and Myŏnggan (Hwasŏng).

19. The Auschwitz concentration camp was located on the …

20. Nazi closes those war criminals inside their concentration camp.

21. Auschwitz, Polish Oświęcim, also called Auschwitz-Birkenau, Nazi Germany’s largest concentration camp and extermination camp.

22. They liberated all war prisoners from the concentration camp.

23. Except who'd send their kid to a concentration camp?

24. Bergen-Belsen was established as a concentration camp in 1943

25. 1945 – Dachau concentration camp is liberated by United States troops.