bowheads in English

a black Arctic right whale that feeds by skimming the surface for plankton.
The proposal appears to apply in principle to virtually any species except bowheads and blue whales, though in practice I think the government is more interested in assessing stocks of fins, humpbacks, pilot whales and several dolphins.
    bowhead whalegreenland whale

Use "bowheads" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bowheads" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bowheads", or refer to the context using the word "bowheads" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bowheads synonyms, Bowheads pronunciation, Bowheads translation, English dictionary definition of Bowheads

2. "Bowheads" by Emily Doolittle

3. And Russia hunt Bowheads for subsistence purposes.

4. What little scientists do know about Bowheads is fascinating

5. Burly Girls, Bowheads, Young Studs and the Old Bunch

6. The Inupiat people of northern Alaska hunt Bowheads.

7. Bowheads have extremely large heads and stocky bodies

8. What do Bowheads look like? Bowheads are named after their unique, steeply arched upper jaw and mouth which are shaped like an archer’s bow

9. This may have left the Bowheads exposed to killer whale attacks

10. Bowheads received complete protection from commercial whaling in 1946 [1]

11. Bowheads need to eat about 100 tonnes of food annually

12. Bowheads live in pods, are rich in blubber, and have 2 blowholes.

13. In 1964, commercial whaling of Bowheads was regulated by the International Whaling Commission

14. The species remains endangered, with approximately 8000 Bowheads in existence today.

15. Bowheads are one of the longest living mammals on the planet

16. Bowheads measure 50 feet or more and weigh up to 110 tons

17. Bowheads have the longest baleens of all the whales – up to 4.5 metres long

18. A Bowheads head takes up about one third of its entire body length

19. Bowheads have the thickest layer of blubber of any animal – up to 50 cm thick.

20. Bowheads were everywhere her team looked, starting right after the survey plane lifted off from Utqiaġvik

21. Bowheads are also a rare wildlife rebound story, with the population north and west of …

22. Burly Girls, Bowheads, Young Studs, and the Old Bunch is the second episode of Survivor: Vanuatu

23. Bowheads are the most important subsistence species, both culturally and nutritionally, for northern and northwestern Alaska coastal villages

24. However, those Bowheads had survived, and there was no way of knowing where the attacks took place

25. Bowheads actually have 2 blow-holes right beside each other, located in the “steeple” or small hump on their backs

26. Looks like a lot of the Bowheads that go down in highsec are from wardecs or got suspect baited

27. Bowheads are baleen whales, with about 250-350 keratinous baleen plates on each side of the upper jaw

28. George, who works for the North Slope Borough in Barrow, has studied Bowheads for more than 30 years

29. Adult Bowheads are entirely black except the front part of the lower jaw which is white and prominently upturned

30. But whalers haven’t even been spotting Bowheads near Utqiaġvik, said Brower, a former president of the Barrow Whaling Captains Association

31. General description: Bowheads belong to a group of whales called mysticetes, which are whales that have baleen instead of teeth.

32. Bowheads filter their food through baleen by opening their mouths and straining plankton from the surface, the water column, or the sea floor.

33. Alaska whalers take Bowheads from protected stocks that number about 10,000 animals and range in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas.

34. Bowheads feed on copepods—tiny, space-alien looking creatures that are brought up from the bottom of the ocean by an upwelling caused by …

35. "Bowheads are superlative animals: they can live 200 years, they've got the thickest blubber of any whale, the longest baleen, they can break …

36. Bowheads might change their migrations, moving north “into the late summer-autumn sea ice edge where Pacific killer whales are not known to range,” the study said

37. Bowheads live only in the Arctic region and can grow up to 20 metres (more than 60 feet) in length, second only to blue whales.

38. Both humpbacks and Bowheads are so-called baleen whales, filter feeders that strain huge volumes of ocean water to capture krill, crustaceans, and small fish

39. Although the ASAMM survey team began photographing bowhead carcasses in only 2009, 30 prior years of visual ASAMM surveys showed no evidence of killer whale attacks on live Bowheads

40. The many Bowheads Ferguson and her team spotted in 2020 meant that the long-lived whales were somewhere else in 2019, a year with record-breaking warm northern-ocean temperatures.

41. Bowheads also have extreme development of baleen (reaching lengths of four to five metres), which is a series of filtering plates that hang in the mouth from the top jaw

42. If you are one of those parents PLEASE - I am really begging you here - PLEASE do not go to your teenage child and say "well Oldest Bowheads Childs' Parents have her passwords"

43. ‘The proposal appears to apply in principle to virtually any species except Bowheads and blue whales, though in practice I think the government is more interested in assessing stocks of fins, humpbacks, pilot whales and several dolphins.’

44. A special section of the book describes the interactions of humans with Bowheads in past and present, focusing on their importance to Indigenous communities and the challenges regarding entanglement in fishing gear, industrial noise and ship strikes.

45. “Bowheads leave the Bering Sea in April, right before it becomes the most productive ocean in the world…(*chuckles).” Lori Quakenbush is with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and has been studying these specific whales, using satellite telemetry, for more than 14 years.

46. ‘The study places the Eastern Arctic Bowhead whale, Western arctic Bowhead whale and the Eastern Hudson Bay beluga whale on the list of species facing imminent extinction.’ ‘A preliminary glossary of Inuktitut words relating to Bowheads, whaling, and related topics has been prepared, but it is not included in the book, as it awaits