bowlegs in English

legs that curve outward at the knee; bandy legs.
This could be due to joint deformities like bow legs and knock knees, which produce a misalignment and overload on one half of the joint.
    bandy legs

Use "bowlegs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bowlegs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bowlegs", or refer to the context using the word "bowlegs" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bowlegged definition: having bowlegs Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

2. Other symptoms experienced by people with Bowlegs include: knee or hip pain

3. What is Bowed legs? Bowed legs (also known as genu varum or bowlegs) is a common condition occurring in infants and toddlers

4. Bowlegs is a condition in which a person’s legs appear Bowed out, meaning their knees stay wide apart even when their ankles are together

5. Bes, a minor god of ancient Egypt, represented as a dwarf with large head, goggle eyes, protruding tongue, bowlegs, bushy tail, and usually a crown of feathers