appletalk in English


inexpensive suite of protocol which Apple Computer, Inc. developed for communication between Apple computer products and other computers

Use "appletalk" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "appletalk" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "appletalk", or refer to the context using the word "appletalk" in the English Dictionary.

1. While appletalk DDP and IPX addresses will be displayed they cannot be altered by this command.

2. The printing system also includes a client server connection protocol (CSCP) that facilitates connectivity by providing a symmetric protocol for connections between servers and clients over connection-based stream-oriented protocols such as AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

3. Alap: AppleTalk Link Access Protocol: Alap: As Low As Possible: Alap: As Lazy As Possible: Alap: As Low As Practical: Alap: As Loud As Possible (band) Alap: American Linguistic Atlas Project (University of Georgia) Alap: Acquisition Law Advisory Panel: Alap: Axle Lift Air Pressure