application of the law in English

administering of the law, practice of the law

Use "application of the law" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "application of the law" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "application of the law", or refer to the context using the word "application of the law" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ensure the application of the Law on Public Service in public administration appointments and operation.

2. r) To act as a party in court during litigation arising from the application of the Law

3. 30 Even if the technological aspects are fully understood, the application of the law to them may still perplex.

4. Neoclassical economic theory has sought to refute the issue of resource scarcity by application of the law of substitutability and technological innovation.

5. In August 2014, Thailand Prime Minister ordered the Immigration Police to be more flexible as the strict application of the law was affecting schools and the tourist industry.

6. Despite passage, the law allowed the President to invoke a six-month waiver of the application of the law, and reissue the waiver every six months on "national security" grounds.

7. In a literal application of the law of an eye for an eye, an Iranian man convicted of blinding another man in an acid attack has been sentenced to lose an eye and an ear.

8. The reduction of the application of the law to kin-minorities in neighbouring countries (with the exception of Austria), and therefore not to all Magyars suggests deeper lying motives of territorial aggrandizement of the kin-state. d.

9. (h) Culpability as to illegality of conduct.--Neither knowledge nor recklessness or negligence as to whether conduct constitutes an offense or as to the existence, meaning or application of the law determining the elements of an offense is an element of such offense, unless the definition of the offense or this title so provides."