aniseikonia in English


visual defect

Use "aniseikonia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aniseikonia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aniseikonia", or refer to the context using the word "aniseikonia" in the English Dictionary.

1. • measurement of aniseikonia using an eikonometer or afocal magnifying lenses

2. RLE is performed to correct high ametropia or aniseikonia.

3. Anis-: [anī′sō-] prefixes meaning 'unequal, asymmetric, or dissimilar': Aniseikonia, Anisognathy.

4. The refractive state, aniseikonia, fusion, binocular image, near and distant stereoscopic vision in 120 cases (240 eyes) were observed.

5. Bloodnoun pickleworm ? pannus aniseikonia syllepsis anisocoria zeugma seiche hippus eustacy anacoluthon ? Dutch gold ormolu tombac oroide billon pinchbeck Prince Rupert's metal Mannheim gold skewing clinquant latten ? panopticon glabella quaquaversal zugzwang linn …