abused in English

use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.
the judge abused his power by imposing the fines
treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.
riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted
synonyms:mistreatmaltreatill-treattreat badlymolestinterfere withindecently assaultsexually abusesexually assaultinjurehurtharmdamage
speak in an insulting and offensive way to or about (someone).
the referee was abused by players from both teams
synonyms:insultbe rude toswear atcursecall someone namestauntshout atrevileinveigh againstbawl outvilifyslandercast aspersions onbadmouthdis

Use "abused" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abused" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abused", or refer to the context using the word "abused" in the English Dictionary.

1. Freedom Abused

2. I was horribly abused.

3. He abused his kids.

4. The king abused his power.

5. Instead, he abused the trust.

6. He had abused his own daughter .

7. He was called names, even physically abused.

8. Any penal system can be vilely abused.

9. She was sexually abused as a child.

10. Yes, our planet is being abused, ruined.

11. She abused him roundly for his neglect.

12. So our workers get abused, cussed out.

13. How to use aBused in a sentence.

14. Cameroon Journalists Say They Are Regularly Abused, Brutalized

15. Abattoir Truth: Animals Boiled Alive, Abused & Slaughtered

16. They absolutely must not be abused or molested.

17. Several of the children had been sexually abused.

18. We may be verbally, or even physically, abused.

19. Abattoir Truth: Animals Boiled Alive, Abused & Slaughtered

20. Bogarted Insulted or otherwise verbally abused in public

21. He was brutally abused and was finally impaled.

22. 6 She would be scolded, abused, ignominiously discharged.

23. Show some spunk . Quit pretending you're being abused.

24. The prosecutor still maintained White abused the children.

25. He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.

26. All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.

27. Too often it is a power that is abused

28. 24. (a) How may abused spouses choose to act?

29. 9 Some nursing home patients were neglected or abused.

30. The boy had been viciously assaulted and sexually abused.

31. Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.

32. Such malicious Castigation, which is internalized by the abused

33. Human rights are abused as a matter of course.

34. So this is how you have abused my trust!

35. Stories of abused and battered children are shockingly familiar.

36. He'd been abused by somebody with a black cowboy hat.

37. He nonstop abused you, and you did nothing about it.

38. The children were abused as part of a satanic ritual.

39. 1 All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.

40. Morris abused the trust the firm had shown in him.

41. He alleged that he was verbally abused by other soldiers.

42. James abused his body for years with heroin and cocaine.

43. Several of the children had been sexually/physically/emotionally abused.

44. They abused us verbally and physically for attending the meetings.

45. Women are often ashamed to admit they are being abused.

46. I abused alcohol, tried drugs, and led an immoral lifestyle.

47. The factory workers were found to be abused and malnourished.

48. You may have been abused or molested as a child.

49. Video: Bikers show support to abused children Appearing in Lewiston court

50. 22 Several of the children had been sexually/physically/emotionally abused.