absolute control in English

complete control, supreme authority

Use "absolute control" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absolute control" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absolute control", or refer to the context using the word "absolute control" in the English Dictionary.

1. Absolute control equals true love.

2. Absolute control is a useful thing.

3. He had everything under absolute control.

4. Burgess has taken absolute control of this investigation.

5. 6 She was given absolute control over all recruitment decisions.

6. This mode gives you absolute control on your workout creation process.

7. After all, she now holds absolute control over a docile parliament.

8. Full and absolute control should be established over border crossing points, by:

9. Our absolute control of it is a control on the pulse of India

10. (c) Rights of ownership over the interconnections cannot justify absolute control of exports either.

11. Although ad builders can quickly enact changes across your agency, you retain absolute control.

12. It allows best edge grip, absolute control and outstanding stability especially during sustained turns.

13. The senior leadership does not necessarily enjoy absolute control over all commanders in the field.

14. (Ephesians 5:22, 23) A husband may feel that headship entitles him to absolute control.

15. The Family Code has been ratified, limiting the man's authority and absolute control over the woman

16. Its users refer to it as an antidote against those questioning a state’s absolute control of territory.

17. For those fifteen years, the wills gave the designated trustee absolute control, and the trustee was Mark.

18. Unlike proprietary software, there is never any single company that has absolute control of a Free Software solution.

19. I believe your correspondent forgets we are a private company still in absolute control of 75 percent of it.

20. “What helps me most is the unmistakable message that Jehovah is in absolute control of matters that affect his people.

21. In totalitarian states absolute control of information and the armed forces is the key to the survival of the despot.

22. The noun Authoritarianism is most often used in a negative context, to describe a government with absolute control over the population

23. The only effective remedy would be a total overhaul of the judicial system to free it from the government's absolute control.

24. The monarch was seen as the supreme ruler throughout the island, even at times when he did not have absolute control over it.

25. We cannot control all that happens to us, but we have absolute control over how we respond to the changes in our lives.

26. She displayed unusual skill, knowing how to force her opponent to respond to her own style and to maintain absolute control of the situation.

27. And the only way to do this, because it's illegal, is to have absolute control of the geographic corridors that are used to transport drugs.

28. After the death of Kim Il-sung, his son Kim Jong-il was understood to have inherited his father's near-absolute control over the country.

29. (b) The Dutch authorities do not believe that absolute control of imports by SEP is necessary to the performance of the tasks assigned to it.

30. In this mortal experience, we cannot control all that happens to us, but we have absolute control over how we respond to the changes in our lives.

31. His purpose is to have Jesus Christ as Lord to take over the absolute control of earth’s inhabitants despite the efforts of human rulers to hold onto that control.

32. The book The Religious History of China explains that they “reckoned that between heaven and earth there was a principal God who stood supreme and had absolute control over all things. . . .

33. That disparity between national offers is not the result of centralized instructions from the parent company and the Commission has not adduced evidence of Parker' s alleged absolute control over its subsidiaries.

34. 1974 Between 1967 and 1971, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi came to obtain near-absolute control over the government and the Indian National Congress party, as well as a huge majority in Parliament.

35. Trusting her loyalty and judgment, Emperor Taizong made her the commander-in-chief and awarded her a Dragon Head Cane, a symbol of the emperor, for absolute control of the male-dominated army.

36. whereas the report demonstrates that in the DPRK the state claims absolute control over every aspect of its citizens’ lives, and an absolute monopoly over information, movement inside and outside the country and over social life (the Songbun class system);

37. 1 Also Called 2 Capabilities 3 Levels 4 Associations 5 Limitations 6 Known Users Endless Adroitness Godlike Adroitness Infinite Adroitness The user has absolute control their prehensile body parts, meaning they can manipulate things down to the quantum super-string level and even the quantum foam level

38. whereas the situation in Xinjiang, which is home to around 11 million Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs, has rapidly deteriorated in recent years, as absolute control of Xinjiang has been elevated to a top priority, while further challenges are posed by periodic terrorist attacks in or allegedly connected to Xinjiang, by Uyghurs;

39. As adjectives the difference between totalitarian and Autocratic is that totalitarian is a system of government where the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control of every aspect of the country, socially, financially and politically while Autocratic is of or pertaining to autocracy or to an autocrat; absolute; holding independent and arbitrary powers of government.