absolute right in English

ight or privilege that cannot be undermined or damaged

Use "absolute right" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absolute right" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absolute right", or refer to the context using the word "absolute right" in the English Dictionary.

1. Not limited by restrictions or exceptions: an Absolute right

2. Only 16 percent believe gun ownership is an absolute right.

3. Parents, by contrast, have an absolute right to apply for such orders

4. The Kingdom is based on an unshakable foundation —Jehovah’s absolute right to rule.

5. We have an absolute right to get all of this back plus a little more.

6. A commissar retains the absolute right to administer justice both on and off the battlefield.

7. Freedom of movement was not an absolute right and needed to be balanced against other rights.

8. • The individual has an absolute right to examine and obtain copies of all information in his/her file.

9. An Allodial title gives you absolute right to land, without any obligation to any landlord, sovereign or government

10. However, it does not follow that the entitlement to disclosure of relevant evidence is likewise an absolute right.

11. What a licensee essentially acquires is a limited privilege to fish, but not a permanent or absolute right.

12. They were and are his possession, his property, and he has the exclusive and absolute right to their ownership.

13. "Those that have been wounded in conflict have an absolute right to have their voices heard," Mr Sheers said.

14. It confers no right of ownership as such, nor any absolute right to manufacture or otherwise exploit the invention.

15. By means of it, you exalt God’s great name and accept his absolute right and authority as Universal Sovereign.

16. The bill states that if the rights of fishers are abrogated unfairly they have an absolute right to compensation

17. However this is not an absolute right; laws may restrict the nature of the matter communicated or the mode of communication

18. The right to equal treatment irrespective of nationality which derives from that provision is of course likewise not an absolute right.

19. The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing before a complaints committee would be removed.

20. However this is not an absolute right; laws may restrict the nature of the matter communicated or the mode of communication.

21. - It was noted that freedom of movement was not an absolute right, and that States had the right to protect their frontiers.

22. Nonetheless, it was important to understand that security requirements sometimes took precedence over freedom of movement, which was not an absolute right.

23. He has the absolute right to call on us to comply with his wise commands, which are really in our permanent best interests. —Jer.

24. Copyright is not an absolute right, and respect for copyright cannot be enforced through general filtering of the internet by service providers (ISPs, see Scarlet v SABAM).

25. The Teesta is an international river and India cannot take the view that it has an absolute right over its flows to the exclusion of the interests of others.

26. The Western culture has Absolutized family planning, thus, when people think that their right to plan the size of their family is an absolute right, and things do not go according to plans, they pursue their Absolutized plans even if it means invading some other person's right to life.

27. They were on a level; they were to be equal in authority; they were brethren; and they should neither covet nor receive a title which implied either an elevation of one above another, or which appeared to infringe on the absolute right of the Saviour to be their only Teacher and Master. . . .