tangible assets in Germany

tangible assets [tændʒəblæsets] Sachvermöge

Sentence patterns related to "tangible assets"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tangible assets" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tangible assets", or refer to the context using the word "tangible assets" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Tangible Assets contain various subclasses, including current Assets and fixed Assets

2. A basic rule-of-thumb: Depreciate tangible assets and Amortize intangible assets

3. In the U.S., intangible assets are Amortized while tangible assets are depreciated

4. Tangible investment goods refers to assets listed in company accounts under Fixed assets — tangible assets.

5. Costs related to the lease of tangible assets may be taken into account under the following conditions:

Kosten im Zusammenhang mit dem Leasing materieller Vermögenswerte können unter folgenden Umständen berücksichtigt werden:

6. Rotary states that it was forced to abandon the tangible assets when it finally departed Iraq in December

7. Advances and payments on account for fixed tangible assets (premises in the process of being purchased) 3.57 - 3.58

Vorschuß- und Abschlagszahlungen auf Sachanlagen (im Kauf befindliche Gebäude) 3.57 - 3.58

8. Rotary states that it was forced to abandon the tangible assets when it finally departed Iraq in December 1990.

9. Tangible Assets include both current Assets like cash, inventory, marketable securities, etc., and noncurrent Assets like property, plant, equipment, etc

10. Tangible assets Land and buildings are stated at cost less both initial write-down of the Kirchberg headquarters and accumulated depreciation.

11. If a cost is Capitalized, it is charged to expense over time through the use of amortization (for intangible assets) or depreciation (for tangible assets).

12. Gold Bullion bars are real, tangible assets, and throughout history, have been an ideal store of value and an excellent hedge against inflation, deflation and political uncertainty

13. Current expenses for the financial year totalled ECU 39,2 million, of which ECU 21,3 million was staff costs, ECU 15,8 million other administrative expenses and ECU 2,1 million was accounted for by depreciation of tangible assets.

Der Aufwand des Haushaltsjahres erreichte insgesamt 39,2 Mio ECU, wovon 21,3 Mio ECU für Personalkosten, 15,8 Mio ECU für sonstige Verwaltungskosten und 2,1 Mio ECU für die Abschreibungen auf Sachanlagen zu verbuchen sind.