tap dancing in Germany

tap dancing [teipdɑːnsiŋ] Stepptanz

Sentence patterns related to "tap dancing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tap dancing" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tap dancing", or refer to the context using the word "tap dancing" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Tap dancing as fast as I can.

2. It is actually a notation system for dancing, for tap dancing.

3. All these factors pushed tap dancing to the fringes of the entertainment world.

4. Constant shuffling of the "floor" foot is one of the major characteristics that distinguishes Clogging from tap dancing

5. The hours alternated with tap-dancing and the rooms resounded to the clatter of steel-bottomed shoes, while the dressing rooms were given over to tiny children getting themselves into satin pants and diamond-studded brassieres under the Admonishings of their hard-eyed mothers.

6. One of the first Blacks to perform in Blackface for White audiences was William Henry Lane, the inventor of tap dancing who was known to audiences as Master Juba.When Blacks began to work as minstrels in the mid-1840s, becoming established as performers by the 1860s, their contribution ironically did little to alter the tradition.