tambourine in Germany

tambourine [tæmbəriːn] Tamburi

Sentence patterns related to "tambourine"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tambourine" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tambourine", or refer to the context using the word "tambourine" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 12 They sing accompanied by tambourine and harp

2. Praise him with the tambourine and the circle dance.

3. His daughter runs out to meet him, dancing jubilantly and playing a tambourine.

4. A church's liveliness should not be judged by the singing(Sentencedict), dancing or tambourine playing.

5. Psalm 150 makes mention of the horn, harp, tambourine, pipe, and cymbals, in addition to strings.

6. The Banjo has a tambourine-like body with a hoop and a screw that secure the

7. If you had told me, I could have sent you away with rejoicing and with songs, with tambourine and with harp.

8. These are like the Israelites of old who enjoyed the playing of “stringed instrument, tambourine and flute, . . . but the activity of Jehovah they [did] not look at.”

9. The folk rock movement is usually thought to have taken off with The Byrds' recording of Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man" which topped the charts in 1965.

10. And there must prove to be harp and stringed instrument, tambourine and flute, and wine at their feasts; but the activity of Jehovah they do not look at.” —Isaiah 5:11, 12.

11. Members of the procession will beat on a tambourine-type rawhide drum, fiddle a violin, play a quena (bamboo flute) and another instrument very similar to the alpenhorn, while the other peasants chant.

Prozessionsmitglieder schlagen eine tamburinartige Trommel aus ungegerbtem Leder, fiedeln auf einer Geige, spielen auf einer quena (Bambusflöte) und einem anderen Instrument, das dem Alphorn ähnelt, wobei die anderen Landleute eintönig singen.

12. And there must prove to be harp and stringed instrument, tambourine and flute, and wine at their feasts; but the activity of Jehovah they do not look at, and the work of his hands they have not seen.”

13. And there must prove to be harp and stringed instrument, tambourine and flute, and wine at their feasts; but the activity of Jehovah they do not look at, and the work of his hands they have not seen.” —Isaiah 5:11, 12.

14. A pair of Pearlware figures of a trumpeter in red and Black plumed hat, pantaloons over yellow breeches, his companion in a plumed hat, brown jacket and floral dress, playing a tambourine, both on grassy mound square bases enriched with iron-red line, circa 1810 - 10½in

15. “LIKE a large and startled family, living in a ramshackle old house whose front wall has suddenly collapsed, there seems to be a row going on in practically every room —with tambourine-bashing Jesus children screaming at elegant Anglo-Catholic homosexuals in black silk suits.” —The Sunday Times, London, April 11, 1993.

„WIE bei einer großen, aufgeschreckten Familie in einem verkommenen alten Haus, dessen Giebelwand plötzlich eingestürzt ist, kann man hier in fast allen Zimmern Krawall beobachten, wobei sich tamburinschlagende Jesuskinder und elegante, in schwarze Seidenanzüge gekleidete anglo-katholische Homosexuelle gegenseitig anschreien“ (The Sunday Times, London, 11. April 1993).

16. ♫ In my veins, ♫ ♫ runs a dancer's blood, ♫ ♫ because my beautiful mother ♫ ♫ was the Queen of dance ♫ ♫ in the gilded Alcazar. ♫ ♫ She was so very beautiful, ♫ ♫ I often saw her in my dreams. ♫ ♫ If she beat the tambourine ♫ ♫ to her beguiling dance, all eyes were glowing admiringly. ♫ ♫ She reawakened in me, ♫ ♫ mine is the same lot. ♫ ♫ I dance like her at midnight ♫ ♫ and from deep within I feel: ♫ ♫ My lips, they give so fiery a kiss, ♫ ♫ my limbs, they are supple and soft. ♫ ♫ It is written for me in the stars, ♫ ♫ thou shalt kiss, thou shalt love. ♫

♫ In meinen Adern drin, ♫ ♫ da rollt das Blut der Tänzerin, ♫ ♫ denn meine schöne Mutter war ♫ ♫ des Tanzes Königin ♫ ♫ im gold'nen Alcazar. ♫ ♫ Sie war so wunderschön, ♫ ♫ ich hab ́ sie oft im Traum geseh'n. ♫ ♫ Schlug sie das Tambourin ♫ ♫ so wild im Tanz, da sah man alle Augen glüh'n. ♫ ♫ Sie ist in mir aufs Neu ́ erwacht, ♫ ♫ ich hab ́ das gleiche Los. ♫ ♫ Ich tanz ́ wie sie um Mitternacht ♫ ♫ und fühl ́ das Eine bloß: ♫ ♫ Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß, ♫ ♫ meine Glieder sind schmiegsam und weich. ♫ ♫ In den Sternen, da steht es geschrieben, ♫ ♫ du sollst küssen, du sollst lieben. ♫