talc in Germany

talc [tælk] Talk

Sentence patterns related to "talc"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "talc" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "talc", or refer to the context using the word "talc" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. It's eighty percent talc anyway.

2. Natural talc is a multimineral aggregate.

3. I rubbed talc into my face.

4. The injected drug was diluted with the talc.

5. The development prospect of the talc used in plastics industry are discussed.

6. These lamellar (flat, planar) minerals include micas, chlorite, talc, hornblende, graphite, and others.

7. The proposed site is reported to contain around 5 million tons of talc.

8. Capsule filling Microcrystalline cellulose (E#) Sodium starch glycolate Povidone (E#) Sodium laurilsulfate Talc

Kapselinhalt Mikrokristalline Cellulose (E #) Poly(O-carboxymethyl)stärke, Natriumsalz Povidon (E #) Natriumdodecylsulfat Talkum

9. In the Sahara It'sank to its hubs in fine , talc - like sand.

10. To reduce this problem, we sprinkle the hands and arms liberally with talc.

11. The crystals represent talc that is used to to dilute the injected drug.

12. Talc Technology has recently sold a majority holding to Ivernia West for £000.

13. Talc, Mica, Silica, Propyl paraben , Methyl paraben, Art - Pearl, Zinc stearate, Vitamin E, Squalane.

14. The invention was a combination of inks, photo resists, lacquer, talc and actinic lights.

15. The rocks commonly are altered to talc with carbonate or serpentine, chlorite, and magnetite.

Lamproite verwittern gewöhnlich zu Talk und Carbonaten oder zu Serpentin, Chlorit und Magnetit.

16. Our Talc made with Organic Australian White Clay and is perfect for delicate and sensitive skin.

17. Adhere-It ® II Primer can deep clean EPDM by removing dirt, grit, talc, and oxidation

18. Note: Talc containing tremolite and/or actinolite is a substance of 1° (c), No 2590.

Bemerkung: Talkum, das Tremolit und/oder Aktinolith enthält, ist ein Stoff der Ziffer 1°c, Kennzeichnungsnummer 2590.

19. Brucite is often found in association with serpentine, calcite, aragonite, dolomite, magnesite, hydromagnesite, artinite, talc and chrysotile.

20. In Annex IV, the following entries are inserted in alphabetical order: ‘Pasteuria nishizawae Pn1’ and ‘talc E553B’.

In Anhang IV werden folgende Einträge in alphabetischer Reihenfolge eingefügt: „Pasteuria nishizawa Pn1“ und „Talkum E 553b“.

21. Wash with unperfumed soap, pat dry with a soft towel then apply a little unperfumed talc.

22. The high quality talc in Haicheng mine field can be used to many kinds of industry.

23. ILIA's clean, talc-free Bronzer powder is finely milled and delivers a natural bronzed look

24. microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, colloidal anhydrous silica, talc, titanium dioxide (E #), black iron oxide (E #), red iron oxide (E

mikrokristalline Cellulose, Povidon, hochdisperses Siliciumdioxid, Talkum, Titandioxid (E #), Eisen(II,III)-oxid (E #), Eisen(III)-oxid (E

25. Occurrences of chrome, asbestos, talc and nickel are associated with ultramafic rocks within greenstone and related schist belts.

Vorkommen von Chrom, Asbest, Talk und Nickel sind mit ultramafischen Gesteinen innerhalb der Grünsteine und anderen verwandten der Schiefergürtel verbunden.

26. The germ and the inner husk ( bran ) is removed , the grain is then polished , usually using glucose or talc .

27. Coexisting minerals with beryl are quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, margarite, chlorite, talc, amphibole, epidote, garnet, phenakite, calcite, fluorite (+accessory phases).

Mit Beryll koexistierende Minerale sind Quarz, Plagioklas, K-Feldspat, Biotit, Muskovit, Margarit, Chlorit, Talk, Amphibol, Epidot, Granat, Phenakit, Calcit, Fluorit (+Akzessorien).

28. Although magnesium is found in more than 60 minerals, only dolomite, magnesite, brucite, carnallite, talc, and olivine are of commercial importance.

29. Other articles where Crushing is discussed: abrasive: Preparation and sizing: …such as talc, must be crushed to the particle size required for use

30. Composite particle of talc powder with uniform size distribution and better activation is fabricated by stirred mill based on the principle of mechanochemistry.

31. The method is suitable for particles of various shapes. Some examples of wet contact angle determinations for graphite, talc, coal, etc. are given.

32. Rice polishers are abrasive machines that use talc or some other very fine dust to buff the outer surface of rice kernels.

33. The addition of talc reduces the formation of 'dust' (i.e. abraded polyethylene particles) during the manufacture of packages from the barrier film.

34. Usually it coexists with hornblende or actinolite, magnesium clinochlore chlorite, talc, serpentine-antigorite minerals or metamorphic pyroxene.Magnesium-rich Cummingtonite can also coexist with anthophyllite.

35. It may also be administered inside the chest to help prevent the recurrence of a fluid around the lung due to cancer; however talc is better for this.

36. A regional metamorphic process under conditions of the staurolite-almandine-subfacies ofWinkler’s andTurner andVerhoogen’s almandine-amphibolite facies transformed this assemblage to (2): cummingtonitic hornblende I+Mg-chlorite I (clinochlore)+talc.

Die Lage der darstellenden Punkte der Gesteinsanalysen im Magmatitfeld nachNiggli (1923), die hohen Ni- und Cr-Werte bei geringer Alkalibeteiligung und schließlich die Übereinstimmung mit hornblenditisch-pyroxenitisch-peridotitischem Magmenchemismus lassen als Ausgangsmaterial der Chlorit-Hornblende-Felse einen Olivin und etwas Hornblende führenden Pyroxenit in Betracht kommen.

37. When it is all white, let it dry, and pwder it in an agate mortar and store it. Should the powdered talc be too shiny, anneal it in a crucible.

Endlich bringt man ihn auf ein Filtrum von weißem Druckpapier, und trocknet ihn im Schatten.

38. Mixtures or agglomerations of one or more of diatomite, perlite, kaolin, calcined kaolin and / or talc, for use as filtration and / or processing aids in the wine industry

Mischungen oder Ansammlungen von einem oder mehreren Stoffen, nämlich Kieselgur, Perlit, Kaolin, kalziniertes Kaolin und/oder Talk, zur Verwendung als Filtrier- und/oder Verarbeitungshilfen in der Weinindustrie

39. It may be readily distinguished from other colorless transparent minerals with a perfect cleavage and pearly luster—like mica, talc, brucite, and gypsum— by its greater hardness of 6.5 - 7.

40. ‘Lung sounds are usually normal, or with minimal bibasal Crepitations, and talc deposits may sometimes be visualized in the blood vessels of the retina.’ ‘Esophageal perforation may result in neck swelling, Crepitations, and pneumomediastinum.’

41. Biaxial (-) 0.005: None Quartz (α) Hexagonal : Uniaxial (+) 0.009: None Sanidine: Monoclinic: Biaxial (-) 0.007: None Talc: Triclinic: Biaxial (-) 0.051: None References This page was last edited on 24 July 2020, at 22:21 (UTC)

42. An improved process of coating tacky or soft polymer pellets to maintain a free-flowing property, uses a liquid binder, in conjunction with an anti-tack or partitioning powder such as talc to prevent aggregation during storage.

43. ‘The results of physical examination were significant for bilateral basal diffuse rhonchi and Crepitation.’ ‘Lung sounds are usually normal, or with minimal bibasal Crepitations, and talc deposits may sometimes be visualized in the blood vessels of the retina.’

44. ‘The serpentine minerals Antigorite and lizardite are clay-like constituents of tremolitic talc.’ ‘Serpentine is a common name for the minerals Antigorite, lizardite and chrysotile.’ ‘The most distal alteration is volumetrically minor and involves alteration of olivine to Antigorite and magnesite.’

45. The Antigorite and 10 Å phase dehydration half‐lifetimes obtained in the present study compare well with those measured for talc and 10 Å phase ranging between 3 min and 78 min in the same (P, T) range [Chollet et al., 2009].

46. ‘The serpentine minerals Antigorite and lizardite are clay-like constituents of tremolitic talc.’ ‘Serpentine is a common name for the minerals Antigorite, lizardite and chrysotile.’ ‘The most distal alteration is volumetrically minor and involves alteration of olivine to Antigorite and magnesite.’

47. ‘Emphysematous Blebs may be a source of diagnostic confusion.’ ‘The surgeon can thoracoscopically visualize the full pleura, staple or resect Blebs, apply electrocautery, laser, resect pleura or instill sclerosant (usually talc).’ ‘Peripheral pulmonary Blebs may occur when the regulated process of lung growth is altered.’

48. PRE-Beltian TALC DEPOSITS ON THE MALESICH RANCH, RUBY RANGE, MADISON COUNTY, MONTANA by Robert Joseph Piniazkiewicz A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF MINING AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE

49. The mineral assemblages are dominated by muscovite (25–45%), chlorite (15–25%), quartz (18–30%) and albite (2–6%) while hematite, dolomite, pyrite, apatite, ore, zircon, rutile and amorphous carbon are accessory, but in some rocks hematite (11%), dolomite (42%) and talc (40%) are also dominant.

Muskovit (25 bis 45 Vol.-%), Chlorit (15 bis 25 Vol.-%), Quarz (18 bis 30 Vol.-%) und Albit (2 bis 6 Vol.-%) bilden die Hauptgemengteile; Hämatit, Dolomit und Talk treten als Nebengemengteile auf, wobei Hämatit bis zu 11 Vol.-%, Dolomit bis zu 42 Vol.-% und Talk bis zu 40 Vol.-% erreichen und Übergemengteile bilden können, während sich die Akzessorien aus Pyrit, röntgenamorphem Kohlenstoff, Apatit, Erz, Zirkon und Rutil zusammensetzen.

50. The herb is often used in combination with scutellaria root, Japanese thistle, cogongrass rhizome, capejasmine and other herbs for clearing heat from blood to stop bleeding, to treat haematemesis, Apostaxis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, and other kinds of bleeding due to blood-heat; and with fiveleaf akebia, talc, lophatherum capejasmine and