taking up in Germany

taking up [teikiŋʌp] aufgreifend

Sentence patterns related to "taking up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "taking up" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "taking up", or refer to the context using the word "taking up" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Antonyms for taking up the Cudgels

2. You realize you're taking up two parking spaces?

3. Auteurists should be taking up common cause with them.

4. Synonyms for taking up the Cudgels in Free Thesaurus

5. Monoclonal Antibodies that stop cancer cells taking up proteins

6. Troops are taking up a defensive position around the town.

7. Testing is taking up an inordinate amount of teachers' time.

8. Well, they're taking up positions in the bridges and tunnels.

9. Allowances and expenses on taking up duties and leaving the service

Vergütungen und Kosten im Zusammenhang mit der Aufnahme der Amtstätigkeit und dem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt

10. 2 Testing is taking up an inordinate amount of teachers' time.

11. Medical rehabilitation accelerate and facilitate the taking up of the new function.

Heilgymnastik beschleunigt und erleichtert die Übernahme der neuen Funktion.

12. Maintaining absolute impartiality and refraining from taking up partisan and political positions;

13. Many are expressing their loving concern by taking up the pioneer service.

14. " Daddy's taking up his post in Rhodesia a week earlier than expected... "

15. We called ploughing the last furrow in a stetch taking up the brew.

16. He returned to Port of Spain in 1941, taking up private practice there.

17. Adsorption the taking up of gas or liquid by a surface or interface

18. The heir on taking up his ancestors fief had to pay a relief.

19. Chimneys are designed to fit in your kitchen without taking up too much space

20. "I feel I've really earned this, " she said, taking up her mug of tea.

21. Saturday set apart once a year for taking up collections in aid of hospitals.

22. Accessorize. Scarves or jewelry can change your entire look without taking up too much space.

23. I finally realized that it was taking up too much of my time and energy.

24. The main attraction is one easier-to-use control system taking up less cab space.

25. Everyone crowded round, fawning at him and readily taking up his offer of free drinks.

26. supporting the public sector in taking up energy service offers, in particular for building refurbishment, by:

den öffentlichen Sektor bei der Annahme von Energiedienstleistungsangeboten, insbesondere für Gebäuderenovierungen, unterstützen und hierzu

27. Before taking up special full-time service, a person usually must make some adjustments in his circumstances.

28. Accession definition: Accession is the act of taking up a position as the ruler of a country

29. My eyes fell instead on Idi, his back taking up a sizeable portion of the first pew.

30. Breasting dolphins serves the following purposes: (i) Assist in berthing of vessels by taking up some berthing loads

31. No activities were undertaken to increase the number of women taking up professional positions in the environmental sector.

32. And all that good seaweed I collected just sits in a bag in the cupboard, taking up space.

33. These provisions, will enable taking up of activities like documentation, dissemination and would serve the objective of innovation.

34. You said yourself you didn't want to indulge every two-faced French bourgeois taking up space, currying favor.

35. Cleaning the pantry or cupboards frequently will keep cockroaches and other harmful insects from taking up residence there.

36. 30 My eyes fell instead on Idi, his back taking up a sizeable portion of the first pew.

37. Tighteness and systematicness of systems for guaranteeing legal practioner taking up his occupation by law independently and fairly.

38. In Cultivating it the planters use no fertilizers whatever, taking up new land as the old wears out

39. You have the option of taking up the wall-to-wall and buying one of those Swedish accent rugs.

Sie können den Teppichboden entfernen... und einen dieser schwedischen Teppiche kaufen.

40. " So be it, " said Mrs. Hall, taking up the table- cloth and beginning to spread it over the table.

41. We also said this is a cell that's going to be taking up information about vibrations in the wind.

42. The formation of Bentonite involves the alteration of volcanic glass to clay minerals; this requires hydration (taking up or combination

43. Conclusions Gradation practice is adopt to the reform of taking up post according probationer titles and has very good effects.

44. Right from the outset the overwhelming majority of complainants have refrained from taking up the offer of analogue local loops.

Die überwiegende Anzahl der Beschwerdeführer hat dagegen von Anfang an auf das Angebot analoger Teilnehmeranschlüsse verzichtet.

45. Government have been regularly taking up with the Government of Bangladesh, the issue of anti-India activities emanating from Bangladesh.

46. They must adopt a consortium approach for taking up major contracts including systems design , process know - how and supply of equipment .

47. Of huge importance was the need to reduce red tape, which is seen as both adding unnecessary cost and taking up valuable time.

Von enormer Bedeutung war die Notwendigkeit des Abbaus der Bürokratie, die als unnötiger Kostenzusatz, der zugleich wertvolle Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, betrachtet wird.

48. In one of the prints to Mr Kindersley’s “Specimens of Hindoo Literature,” an Aullay is represented taking up an elephant with his trunk.

49. It is taking up the manufacture of higher value - added items like rotor forgings for BHEL , CNC machine tools for heavy duty , etc .

50. The baby is taking up increasing room in your uterus , and continued growth will put pressure on your lungs , stomach , bladder , and kidneys .