syllogisms in Germany

syllogisms [silədʒizəmz] Vernunftschlüsse

Sentence patterns related to "syllogisms"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "syllogisms" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "syllogisms", or refer to the context using the word "syllogisms" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In the course of forensic argument distorted syllogisms will of course be urged upon those who judge.

2. Like the Gnostics, he based his spirituality on direct experience rather than on syllogisms.

3. In other words, they showed that empirical facts on intermediate syllogisms form a multi-valued algebra.

Mit anderen Worten zeigten sie, dass empirische Fakten über Zwischenschlüssen eine mehrwertige Algebra bilden.

4. Undefined truth-values in the square of opposition cannot be used as a simple proposition in hypothetical syllogisms vaguely.

5. The PARFUZGENQ scientists applied many-valued algebra semantics to intermediate propositions and showed that the validity of intermediate syllogisms can be calculated using these semantics.

Die Wissenschaftler von PARFUZGENQ wendeten Semantik der vieldeutigen Algebra auf Zwischenschlüsse an und zeigten, dass die Gültigkeit der Zwischenschlüsse sich mit dieser Semantik berechnen lässt.

6. By associating certain values with propositions and the conclusion, they proved that the validity of intermediate syllogisms is determined by a simple multi-valued algebra equation.

Durch die Zuordnung bestimmter Werte zu Sätzen und der Schlussfolgerung bewiesen sie, dass die Gültigkeit der Zwischenschlüsse durch eine einfache mehrwertige algebraische Gleichung bestimmt wird.