surveys in Germany

surveys [səːveiz] überblickt

Sentence patterns related to "surveys"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "surveys" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "surveys", or refer to the context using the word "surveys" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Aeromagnetic surveys are probably one of the most common types of airborne geophysical surveys.

2. Land and building surveys

Vermessung von Grundstücken und Gebäuden

3. (c) other relevant research, including surveys of abundance, biomass surveys, hydro-acoustic surveys, research on environmental factors affecting stock abundance, and oceanographic and ecological studies.

c) andere relevante Untersuchungen einschließlich Erhebungen der Bestandsgröße, der Biomasse, hydroakustische Erhebungen, Untersuchung von Umweltfaktoren mit Einfluß auf die Bestandsgröße sowie ozeanographische und ökologische Studien.

4. ◦ Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys:

5. Surveys offered at reasonable rates.

6. Ground geophysical surveys are done over smaller areas and in more detail than airborne surveys.

7. In each of six Asian cities or periurban areas, a team randomly selected urban clusters for conducting standardized household surveys, neighbourhood background surveys and entomological surveys.

8. 6 Surveys offered at reasonable rates.

9. Mathematical instruments for evaluation of surveys

Mathematische Instrumente für Auswertungen von Fragebögen

10. We have interviews, we have surveys.

11. We continue to conduct dioxin surveys.

12. System (GPS) technology into LTRMP Bathymetric surveys

13. Surveys indicate an improvement in business confidence .

14. Multiple methods can be used for Bathymetric surveys including multi-beam and single-beam surveys, ADCPs, sub-bottom profilers, and …

15. Bus Origin and Destination Surveys (UK) Bods

16. User surveys also improve intranet website effectiveness.

17. Its M&E processes will be closely aligned with national M&E processes, including household budget surveys and labor force surveys

18. † Based on the bathymetric surveys of August 2001.

19. Finsterwalder pioneered geodetic surveys in the high mountains.

20. The assessment drew on data from # population-based UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys and # acro Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between # and

21. Its M&E processes will be closely aligned with national M&E processes, including household budget surveys and labor force surveys.

22. Organising and conducting opinion polls and consumer surveys

Organisation und Durchführung von Meinungsumfragen und Verbraucherumfragen

23. The surveys were, however, undertaken by independent interviewers.

24. Its purpose was to do whole sky surveys.

25. Acoustic Doppler Current Metre (ADCP) Surveys, chapter 5.

26. Independent analysis from anonymous employees on their surveys.

27. The data is obtained through national victimization surveys.

28. Since 1982 biennial national surveys conducted by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys have provided valuable information on adolescent smoking behaviour.

29. Surveys to evaluate new product ideas Concept testing.

30. Surveys conducted in other countries reported similar findings.

31. You can think of price indexes as large surveys .

32. He has also gained extensive experience in aeromagnetic surveys.

33. 18 Public surveys in China aren't always rigorously scientific.

34. Compensation Consultants ReClassifications, Classifications, Salary Surveys, and General Information

35. More detailed studies can involve aerial surveys (thermographic photographs taken vertically, oblique photographs in favourable climatic conditions) and electrical (resistivity) or magnetic surveys.

36. Bathymetric and Hydrographic Surveys in Kenya and East Africa

37. Continue aerial population surveys on nesting and wintering areas.

38. Do the surveys reveal how mutual recognition actually operates-

Wird die tatsächliche Funktionsweise der gegenseitigen Anerkennung durch die Umfragen offenbar-

39. Aeromagnetic surveys measure the intensity of Earth’s natural magnetic field

40. RC-IM Assuages Anxiety about 2021 Faculty and Resident Surveys

41. Method and apparatus for performing overhead crane rail alignment surveys

42. This book surveys the events leading to the Civil War.

43. Needless to say, all such anecdotes and surveys are fallible.

44. Insect disturbances are monitored on aerial surveys (Table A3-32).

45. Key words: alternative medicine; complementary therapies; health surveys; multiple sclerosis

46. The research was based on surveys with 959 ninth-graders .

47. When the other surveys are referred to the German ground survey of 1982.5, the differences between it and almost all adjacent surveys are less than 10 nT.

Nimmt man die deutsche Bodenmessung von 1982.5 als Basis, sind die Diskrepanzen zwischen nahezu allen benachbarten Vermessungen kleiner als 10 nT.

48. Aworth Survey Consultants is an industry leader in BIM, topographical surveys, measured building surveys, legal mapping, boundary disputes, monitoring, area calculations, and a wide range of

49. Ground and aerial surveys are used to monitor MPB populations.

50. Recall – Advertising and surveys end of the recall petition period;