suspensive in Germany

suspensive [səspensiv] aufschiebend

Sentence patterns related to "suspensive"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "suspensive" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "suspensive", or refer to the context using the word "suspensive" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Under the accelerated procedure, on the other hand, appeals will not have suspensive effect.

2. Such an appeal has “suspensive effect” and a deportation order is not carried out during adjudication process.

3. (f) autonomous suspensive measures providing for a reduction in or relief from import duties chargeable on certain goods;

f) die autonomen Aussetzungsmaßnahmen, mit denen die bei der Einfuhr bestimmter Waren geltenden Zollsätze herabgesetzt oder ausgesetzt werden;

4. The King retained only a "suspensive veto"; he could delay the implementation of a law, but not block it absolutely.

5. (48) The suspensive effect of the refusal to accept the document serves to protect the addressee inasmuch as the initial service cannot produce full legal force against him.

Die Hemmungswirkung aufgrund der Annahmeverweigerung dient insoferne dem Schutz des Zustellungsempfängers, als die Erstzustellung ihm gegenüber keine volle Rechtskraft entfalten kann.

6. Inasmuch as an action of unconstitutionality exercises a suspensive effect on that decree, from a legal standpoint we have a right to exercise our activities as long as the final Court decision is yet forthcoming.”

7. Alienate means Alienate any Erf / Sectional Title Unit or part thereof and includes by way of sale, exchange, donation, deed, intestate, will, cession, assignment, court order or insolvency, irrespective whether such alienation is subject to a suspensive or resolutive condition, and alienation shall have a corresponding meaning.