surrendering in Germany

surrendering [sərendəriŋ] aufgebend, herausgebend, übergebend

Sentence patterns related to "surrendering"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "surrendering" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "surrendering", or refer to the context using the word "surrendering" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The enemy is surrendering all along the line.

2. Surrendering surplus arms and a corridor to East Prussia?

3. Not running from loss, but entering grief, surrendering to sorrow.

4. Toral was tried before a court-martial for surrendering Santiago de Cuba.

5. Ackey worked as a drilling fluid engineer until surrendering to full-time ministry.

6. Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property.

7. Nibley spoke of the dangers of surrendering to the cares of the world.

8. I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial diners surrendering their birthright.

9. And I think that this is all part of surrendering to the design journey.

10. Abandonment means the intention or act of surrendering, relinquishing, disclaiming, or ceding property or rights.

11. Synonyms for Abalienating include ceding, relinquishing, surrendering, yielding, transferring, renouncing, delivering, conveying, assigning and abandoning

12. Synonyms for Abdicating include renouncing, relinquishing, surrendering, abnegating, abjuring, waiving, yielding, forgoing, ceding and foregoing

13. Synonyms for Ceding include relinquishing, surrendering, yielding, transferring, renouncing, delivering, conveying, assigning, abandoning and granting

14. He is said to have used wooden lions or tigers to intimidate the residents into surrendering.

15. In 1969, Egypt initiated the War of Attrition, with the goal of exhausting Israel into surrendering the Sinai Peninsula.

16. (c) whether the Indian High Commission, London is taking some fee from those who are surrendering their passports;

17. The Council of Ten urged surrendering to Clement; the gonfaloniere adamantly refused, and demanded that defensive works continue.

18. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for The Art of Surrendering - Atoned One on AllMusic - 2007

19. 21 Don't weaken yourself by surrendering to your weaknesses. Strengthen yourself by conquering your weaknesses. Dr T.P.Chia 

20. 7 Whipped by bad fortune, surrendering to the inexorable gravity of downward-sliding consequences, Edna enforced home order without compromise.

21. The "Dachau massacre" involved the killing of German prisoners of war and surrendering SS soldiers at the Dachau concentration camp.

22. According to Johnston, as a consequence of this type of behavior, "Some Japanese soldiers were almost certainly deterred from surrendering to Australians".

23. 19 For a start, it is a subordinate class, and being a socialist means surrendering a culture of subordination for self-determination.

24. Antonyms for Abjuring include bowing to, giving in to, submitting to, succumbing to, surrendering to, yielding to, accepting, adhering to, allowing and emphasising

25. An Allod could be converted into a fief, by the owner surrendering it to a lord and receiving it back as a fief

26. Abandonment is the act of surrendering a claim to, or interest in, a particular asset, or allowing an options contract to expire unexercised.

27. Pinarius had these messengers executed and then defected to Octavian's side, surrendering to him the four legions under his command that Antony desired to obtain.

28. Mrs. Plavsic was sentenced by the Hague Tribunal in 2003 after surrendering to the court and pleading guilty to one count as part of a plea bargain.

29. The election of Putin’s longtime acolyte and handpicked successor, Dmitri Medvedev, as Russia’s president means that Putin is formally surrendering all the pomp and circumstance of Kremlin power.

Die Wahl von Putins langjährigem Anhänger und handverlesenem Nachfolger Dmitri Medwedew zum russischen Präsidenten bedeutet, dass Putin formell völlig auf Glanz und Gloria der Kreml-Macht verzichtet.

30. The maskless Uber riders who cops say Coughed on and attacked their Bay Area driver are paying a hefty price — one’s been arrested and another is surrendering to police

31. Frustrated Parramatta coach Brad Arthur publicly declared his players ‘Capitulated’ after surrendering a 10-point half-time lead in Saturday’s 38-24 semi-final loss to South Sydney.

32. The maskless Uber riders who cops say Coughed on and attacked their Bay Area driver are paying a hefty price -- one's been arrested and another is surrendering to police

33. He proves, also, that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against Absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without a rudder, is the sport of every wind

34. The maskless Uber riders who cops say Coughed on and attacked their Bay Area driver are paying a hefty price -- one's been arrested and another is surrendering to police.

35. Knights Banneret created by Richard, Duke of Gloucester, in Scotland at Hutton Field beside Berwick, probably at the surrendering of Berwick to the English, which took place on 24 August 1482.

36. 1 day ago · The recall campaign's website blames Boudin for what it says is a failure to prosecute “heinous crimes,” “surrendering to drug dealers” and rising crime in certain categories.

37. After surrendering its independence Rhodes became a cultural and educational center for Roman noble families and was especially noted for its teachers of rhetoric, such as Hermagoras and the unknown author of Rhetorica ad Herennium.

38. The Bluejacks came out a little sluggish in the second period, however after surrendering the equalizing goal just five minutes into the period, EMU would step up and and keep the game tied going into the final period

39. This analysis is supported by British historian Niall Ferguson, who also says that, in 1943, "a secret intelligence report noted that only the promise of ice cream and three days leave would ... induce American troops not to kill surrendering Japanese".

40. But the terms that Russia is demanding, if accepted by the West, would fatally undermine Ukraine’s sovereignty; worse, accepting Russia’s terms would ratify the idea that powerful countries may bully less powerful neighbors into doing their bidding, to the point of surrendering their independence.

41. Congress has Abnegated all authority over war, first by passing an open authorization for the president to invade a nation halfway around the world and powerless to threaten us, then by surrendering the power of the purse and funding the ensuing occupation at each turn--long after its pretext was revealed.

42. That anarchic fury reflected the disappointment of radicals at their leaders for prematurely surrendering to the authorities rather than fighting to their last breath. Those who did not surrender wanted to show their defiance. The fires were also a volcanic outburst of class hatred by the disenfranchised, rural and urban, against the Bangkok-based wealthy ruling class.

Diese anarchistische Wut war Ausdruck der Enttäuschung der Radikalen darüber, dass ihre Anführer vorzeitig gegenüber den Behörden kapituliert hatten, anstatt bis zum letzten Atemzug zu kämpfen. Diejenigen, die nicht aufgaben, wollten ihre Kampfbereitschaft demonstrieren.