subverts in Germany

subverts [sʌbvəːts] zerrüttet

Sentence patterns related to "subverts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subverts" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subverts", or refer to the context using the word "subverts" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 14 The Internet subverts Kismet.

2. Shakespeare's metamorphosis subverts the Ovidian model.

3. Claudius subverts his conscience and refuses to ask for divine forgiveness

4. Each Americanism subverts the integrity of the English language

5. Subverts the Hindu nationalists‟ attempt to “Brahmanize” two-thousand year old narrative tradition

6. David Hwang subverts Orientalist in the Western cultures through the artistic image of Gallimard.

7. But anamorphosis subverts the visual plane... canceling out all that you've learned about fixed perspective.

Aber die Anamorphose unterwandert die visuelle Ebene indem sie alles, was du je über feste Perspektive gelernt hast, für ungültig erklärt.

8. With The Boston Pops, Rhiannon Giddens Subverts The White, Bewigged Image Of The Classical Composer 07:04

9. Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative. It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement.

10. Anthroposophy is a philosophy that subverts Christianity with occult beliefs and is a contributive factor to the rise of New Age heresies

11. Burning patiently lures audiences into a slow-Burning character study that ultimately rewards the viewer's patience -- and subverts many of their expectations.

12. The fact is, in every case there is a clear culprit who propagates and executes the Absolutized myth that subverts the American creed

13. The hybrid imagery crafted in the style of comic grotesque subverts the positivist epistemology and classification, and emanates a strong dynamic and pleasure of anthropomorphism.

14. Ironically, such behavior subverts a man's goal, because women generally lose interest in guys who get clingy and act more like a butler than a boyfriend.

15. How ‘Dickinson’ Creator and Music Supervisors Collaborated on a Soundtrack That Subverts Expectations The team behind the series starring Hailee Steinfeld as the American poet Emily Dickinson

16. 16 Ironically, such behavior subverts a man's goal, because women generally lose interest in guys who get clingy and act more like a butler than a boyfriend.

17. Directed by Victor Salva, Jeepers Creepers is a stylish, moody American horror film that subverts many of the tired clichés that have plagued the genre in recent years

18. Aerial Aftermaths is a powerful, timely and elegantly crafted book that shrewdly subverts the optics of war." -- Peter Hobbins ― Cultural Studies Review Published On: 2018-11-28 "Kaplan troubles both the conventional wisdom that vision from above results in the immediately legible and its opposite: that vision from above evacuates the