subverted in Germany

subverted [sʌbvəːtid] zerrüttete

Sentence patterns related to "subverted"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subverted" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subverted", or refer to the context using the word "subverted" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Our best intentions are sometimes subverted by our natural tendency to selfishness.

2. So that the very nature of an Oath... is subverted by the Atheist.

3. Synonyms for Bemeaned include debased, degraded, demeaned, corrupted, abased, vitiated, cheapened, perverted, subverted and depraved

4. 15 In the resultant culture clash Guinness drowns, heroism subverted by duty,( reality distorted by the military mindset.

5. Policies directed to widespread public shareholding in companies are therefore likely to be subverted by condoning insider trading.

6. The problem is that digital technology has completely subverted the logic of this physically fixed, expression versus idea concept.

7. 17 Policies directed to widespread public shareholding in companies are therefore likely to be subverted by condoning insider trading.

8. Bedevilled was a wild ride, at times I felt like I knew what was going to happen but was completely subverted

9. 14 We know how high-flying words can be deployed in the service of cynical aims, and how the noblest sentiments can be subverted in the name of power, expedience, greed, or intolerance.

10. In the Brahmanical texts it is evident that the upper caste woman is the object of moral panic Through the recalcitrance of women the established property and status order can be subverted

11. But remarkably, in the popular subverted culture, this saying seems to have outlived its own meaning, as it is now invoked Antonymously: in the new vernacular, to speak of ‘mending fences’ means tearing down all fences, …

12. "Hello Lane" ["Letters," June 2002] started out straight and was quickly subverted by some French wag who Apostrophized it to "L'ane" (in French an ass, fool, ninny, dummy, etc.) The bloom was gone

13. ‘The aim of the Baconian philosophy was to supply our vulgar wants.’ ‘Now the Baconian conception of technology as instrumentum has been overtaken by ‘autonomous technology’ since technology has now become end itself rather than means as ends are subverted by means.’

14. It had also engineered the publishing of several works that subverted the Russian and Soviet image, such as the final volumes of the official History of Romania, no longer glossing over traditional points of tension with Russia and the Soviet Union (even alluding to an unlawful Soviet presence in Bessarabia).

15. Spain - Spain - The rise of Castile and Aragon: Alfonso VII subverted the idea of a Leonese empire, and its implied aspiration to dominion over a unified peninsula, by the division of his kingdom between his sons: Sancho III (1157–58) received Castile and Ferdinand II (1157–88) received León