substitution in Germany

substitution [sʌbstitjuːʃən] Ersatz, Substitution [math.]

Sentence patterns related to "substitution"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "substitution" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "substitution", or refer to the context using the word "substitution" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Argentinize Empirical codon substitution matrix

2. No, the marginal rate of substitution.

3. Balancing chemical equation with substitution

4. Blosum - BLOcks SUbstitution Matrix The Blosum matrix is another amino acid substitution matrix, first calculated by Henikoff and Henikoff

5. The curve has slope which may be re-arranged substitution: using the definition of the elasticity of substitution:.

6. We use saccharin in substitution for sugar.

7. 1 We use saccharin in substitution for sugar.

8. Shortages can also be addressed by product substitution.

9. 6 Substitution notes may be diatonic or chromatic.

10. Overview • Blosum = BLOck SUbstitution Matrices, (Henikoff and Henikoff, 1992)

11. Acetals are products of substitution reactions catalyzed by acid

12. 5 Finally, information-creators will also suffer from substitution.

13. "Fourth substitution to be introduced at UAE 2019".

14. Antiptosis (Noun) Substitution of one grammatical case for another.

15. So preferences give us this, the marginal rate of substitution.

16. It can encourage an upsurge of exports or import substitution.

17. Blosum stands for BLOcks SUbstitution Matrices (Henikoff & Henikoff, 1992), and were created by observing substitution frequencies in local ungapped multiple sequence alignments

18. I could do u substitution and I'd be set.

19. India practiced extensive import substitution when it was industrializing.

20. 23 The problem was resolved using a trick called isotopic substitution.

21. 4 For addition or substitution of a party,[] see above.

22. The Blosum (BLOck SUbstitution Matrix) series of matrices rectifies this problem

23. We did not condemn empiricism outright, merely its substitution for reality.

24. 3 Thereafter, however, there has been a dominant substitution effect.

25. It addresses matters such as the substitution of the euro for the

26. 12 We did not condemn empiricism outright, merely its substitution for reality.

27. In non - coding region It'shows mutation of single nucleotide deletion or substitution.

28. The distinctive electronic structure of Aromatic leads to some distinctive reactivity! We will be covering the naming of benzene derivatives, stability of Aromatic compounds, electrophilic Aromatic substitution, and nucleophilic Aromatic substitution.

29. That is, the rate of substitution equals the neutral mutation rate.

30. A substitution cypher is probably one of the most common Cyphers used

31. Matrix: Blosum (Blocks Substitution Matrix) scoring matrix with a specified percent identity

32. Unfortunately, quasi-socialistic import substitution did not work anywhere it was tried.

33. a) The potential for substitution of oil by more affordable alternative energy sources

34. - Substitution by wheat would have environmental benefits; a switch to maize would not.

- Die Ersetzung durch Weizen hätte Umweltvorteile, ein Übergang zu Mais dagegen nicht.

35. The Bromination of benzene is an example of an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction

36. Emphasis is on substitution and elimination reactions and Chemistry of the carbonyl group

37. There are five types of cohesion: reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion.

38. This unwonted substitution of warm for cold waters had disastrous effects upon the fish.

39. Backing of Alveolars The substitution of velar consonants for alveolar consonants, e.g., ,

40. To date, no substitution treatment is available for cocaine and amphetamine dependence.

Für Kokain- und Amphetaminabhängige existiert bisher noch keine Substitutionstherapie.

41. Would vendor certification be considered an acceptable substitution for testing upon receipt?

42. 13 Substitution drills should concentrate particularly on structural differences between the languages.

43. 8 That is, the rate of substitution equals the neutral mutation rate.

44. 2 In my experience a straight substitution of carob for chocolate doesn'twork.

45. Through imitation Japan, Germany, Italy and other countries products, direct import substitution.

46. 28 Some workers did, however, appear to respond as the substitution effect predicted.

47. 21 Deformation modes involving hydrogen also drop dramatically in frequency on isotopic substitution.

48. In a word, there is no substitution for advance preparation in negotiation arena.

49. The Blosum (BLOcks of Amino Acid SUbstitution Matrix) matrix is a substitution matrix used for sequence alignment of proteins.Blosum matrices are used to score alignments between evolutionarily divergent protein sequences

50. 11 Domain deletion and substitution mutants of t-PA are not superior thrombolytic agents.