substantiated in Germany

substantiated [sʌbstænʃieitid] begründete, begründete

Sentence patterns related to "substantiated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "substantiated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "substantiated", or refer to the context using the word "substantiated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Attested: as in valid, substantiated

2. All protests will be substantiated through the use of a polygraph.

3. Their comments were taken into account where warranted and substantiated by evidence,

Sofern gerechtfertigt und hinreichend begründet, wurden die Stellungnahmen berücksichtigt —

4. In the absence of a substantiated claim for an adjustment for salesmen

Da innerhalb der maßgeblichen Fristen kein begründeter Antrag auf Berichtigung wegen der Gehälter des Verkaufspersonals gestellt wurde, konnte der Antrag nicht geprüft werden, sodass er zurückzuweisen ist

5. Although the news reports [had] not been independently substantiated, they were alarming nonetheless”.

6. The first ground was the absence of a substantiated request for an adjustment.

Der erste Grund ist der, daß kein auf Nachweise gestützter Berichtigungsantrag vorlag.

7. The Authorising Officer may, in duly substantiated exceptional cases, accept co-financing in kind.

Der Anweisungsbefugte kann in ordnungsgemäß begründeten Ausnahmefällen Mitfinanzierungen in Form von Sachleistungen akzeptieren.

8. The authorising officer may, in duly substantiated exceptional cases, accept co-financing in kind

Der zuständige Anweisungsbefugte kann in ordnungsgemäß begründeten Ausnahmefällen Kofinanzierungen in Form von Sachleistungen akzeptieren

9. It can recommend various disciplinary and administrative actions against perpetrators of substantiated misconduct.

10. Any subsequent adjustments must be equally substantiated, and accurate records must be maintained.

11. The proposed structures have been substantiated by insitu absorption, FTIR, and 1H NMR spectroscopy.

12. Chevron U.S.A. substantiated the payment of these amounts by reference to its payroll records.

13. Amounts must be substantiated by receipted invoices kept at the disposal of the inspection authorities.

Die Beträge müssen durch quittierte Rechnungen, die der Kontrollbehörde zur Verfügung zu halten sind, nachgewiesen werden.

14. 2. The authorising officer may, in duly substantiated exceptional cases, accept co-financing in kind.

(2) Der zuständige Anweisungsbefugte kann in ordnungsgemäß begründeten Ausnahmefällen Kofinanzierungen in Form von Sachleistungen akzeptieren.

15. These cases of abuse had not necessarily been substantiated through formal processes (e.g., criminal charges).

16. The amounts must be substantiated by invoices kept at the disposal of the inspection authorities.

Die Beträge müssen durch Rechnungen, die den Kontrollbehörden zur Verfügung zu halten sind, nachgewiesen werden.

17. The amounts must be substantiated by receipted invoices kept at the disposal of the inspection authorities.

Die Beträge müssen durch quittierte Rechnungen, die der Kontrollbehörde zur Verfügung zu halten sind, nachgewiesen werden.

18. Evidence not substantiated through concrete elements or based on mere assumptions should not be taken into account.

19. The observations made at the Anabolite levels of siRNA post-treatment substantiated the qRT-PCR data

20. Of the complaints resolved, 25 were resolved and well founded, two were abandoned and one was not substantiated.

21. Of the complaints resolved, 40 were resolved and well founded, two were abandoned and two were not substantiated.

22. An Allegation is substantiated if misconduct is found to be improper based on a preponderance of the evidence

23. Chevron U.S.A. substantiated the payment of “hazard pay” to both employees by reference to Chevron Research’s payroll records.

24. Any decision by a supervisory authority to adjust the equitable price shall be substantiated and made public.’

Jede Entscheidung der Aufsichtsstellen zur Änderung des angemessenen Preises muss begründet und bekannt gemacht werden.“

25. Furthermore, the author has not substantiated the claim that she suffered ongoing adverse physical or mental effects.

26. Also, the NBB claimed an adjustment of 10 %, but has not substantiated this level of the adjustment.

Zudem forderte das NBB eine Berichtigung um 10 %, ohne aber deren Höhe zu begründen.

27. These risk-related aspects are never pointed out or quantified in a substantiated manner in the letters.

Diese Risikoaspekte wurden in den Schreiben an die PI weder deutlich angesprochen noch quantifiziert.

28. The Church Committee stated that it substantiated eight attempts by the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro in 1960–1965.

29. Yogi Bhajan has been accused of sexual, physical, emotional, and financial abuse, most of the claims have been substantiated.

30. Recommended changes had to be substantiated by explicit statements of rationale, supported by the systematic review of relevant empirical data.

31. Government claims on waiting lists were also substantiated, although allowance has to be made for reductions achieved clerically rather than clinically.

32. Adequacy of demonstration of conformity with the essential requirements by performance evaluation, bench testing and preclinical evaluation alone has to be duly substantiated.”

Die Eignung des Nachweises der Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen allein durch Leistungsbewertung, Produktprüfstandtest und präklinische Bewertung ist ordnungsgemäß zu begründen.“

33. Set-Asides claimed as qualifying distributions under the cash distribution test in Form 990-PF, Part XII, should be substantiated by detailed return information

34. In many instances, the allegations were substantiated by contemporaneous internal memos or field reports, as well as by actual written quotations, purchase orders and invoices.

35. [They] have a great deal to offer by way of firm advice substantiated in Holy Writ and integrated into a coherent philosophy of life.”

36. In May 2005, the HREOC reported that the complainant’s allegations up to August 2003 were not substantiated, or did not amount to abuses of his rights.

37. There was a good correlation between the clinical and radiographic findings, although in some cases, indication for adenoidectomy, as seen from the radiographs, could not be clinically substantiated.

38. After 21 months of data collection and analysis of three types of sea lion behavior, the research team substantiated what it had suspected: Humans Conclusively affect the sea lions

39. “Dependence on caffeine is real, and one withdrawal symptom that has been well substantiated is the headache, which generally develops in habitual users . . . after about 18 hours of abstinence.

„Es gibt eine Koffeinabhängigkeit; ein Entzugssymptom, das einwandfrei festgestellt wurde, sind Kopfschmerzen, die bei Gewohnheitstrinkern . . . gewöhnlich ungefähr 18 Stunden nachdem man den letzten Kaffee getrunken hat, auftreten.

40. Allies of the incoming managing editor of The New York Times editorial page are pushing back against a poorly substantiated, yet widely spread, accusation that she is an Antisemite.

41. How NYPD officers continue to use Chokeholds — which can be deadly and are explicitly prohibited by the department — on civilians, while officers with substantiated claims of abuse go without any

42. Conventionally, it is assumed that using a Bifunctional chain transfer agent (CTA), polymerization will be initiated from both functional groups; however, in this study this assumption is not always substantiated

43. the ‘Unfair Commercial Practices Directive’ (6), which ensures that consumers are not misled or exposed to aggressive marketing and that any claim made by traders in the EU is clear, accurate and substantiated.

die „Richtlinie über unlautere Geschäftspraktiken“ (6), die gewährleistet, dass der Verbraucher nicht irregeführt oder aggressivem Marketing ausgesetzt wird und dass Behauptungen von Gewerbetreibenden in der EU klar, zutreffend und fundiert sind.

44. In a piece on the Ball family for Sports Illustrated by Ben Pickman, Lonzo and LaVar both substantiated the report the former was leaving Big Baller Brand and in search of a new deal.

45. *Theodore Edgar McCarrick is among those Credibly accused based on the findings of the Archdiocese of New York that allegations of abuse of a minor against then Father McCarrick were found to be credible and substantiated

46. Conclusively justified {adj} schlüssig begründet: law Conclusively regulated {adj} abschließend geregelt: Conclusively substantiated {adj} schlüssig begründet: to argue Conclusively: schlüssig argumentieren: 4 Wörter: sth

47. According to the study of Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau (CIB) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), counterfeit goods make up 5 to 7% of World Trade; however, these figures cannot be substantiated due to the secretive nature of the industry.

48. The Carnivore Code has everything you need to deeply understand and implement the Carnivore diet your ancestors thrived on for the last 4 million years, and is thoroughly substantiated with science with over 350 references! Table of contents: Foreword by Mark Sisson

49. Furthermore, the applicants' counsel did not dispute the statements of the agent for the Commission to the effect that out of approximately 15 000 Commission officials 73% went on strike, 10% carried out their duties, and the others were absent for reasons which were duly substantiated.

Im übrigen hat der Prozeßbevollmächtigte der Kläger die Behauptungen des Bevollmächtigten der Kommission nicht bestritten, daß von rund 15 000 Beamten der Kommission 73 % gestreikt und 10 % ihren Dienst versehen hätten und die übrigen dem Dienst entschuldigt ferngeblieben seien.

50. Considering that no evidence beyond anecdotal complaints about difficulties in price negotiations was provided and that besides the five groups of complaining Union producers, another 11 producers of OCS operate in the EU, among which some are very large, and the variety of other import sources, this claim seems not substantiated and is provisionally rejected.

Da abgesehen von vereinzelten Vorwürfen keine Beweise für Schwierigkeiten bei Preisverhandlungen vorgelegt wurden und neben den fünf Unternehmensgruppen antragstellender Unionshersteller weitere elf, teilweise sehr große OBS-Hersteller in der EU tätig sind und viele andere Einfuhrquellen bestehen, scheint diese Behauptung unbegründet zu sein und wird vorläufig zurückgewiesen.