subsided in Germany

subsided [səbsaidid] sank

Sentence patterns related to "subsided"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subsided" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subsided", or refer to the context using the word "subsided" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. My fever has subsided drastically

2. Μy fever has subsided drastically.

3. The storm gradually subsided.

4. His voice subsided to a mutter.

5. He subsided into a pensive state.

6. David's crying subsided to a whimper.

7. 4 Simon waited until the laughter subsided.

8. The foundations of the building have subsided.

9. Though the cramps subsided, the paralysis remained.

10. See how the earth has subsided?

11. The rain had subsided to a wan drizzle.

12. His anger finally subsided following other people's coaxing.

13. She subsided into the roadway and screamed again.

14. This subsided following a political agreement in 1998.

15. The pain had subsided during the night.

16. Loden's hackles subsided, his tail began to wag.

17. The ground around these sand fissures subsided, causing more damage.

18. Loden's hackles subsided[sentence dictionary], his tail began to wag.

19. I took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided.

20. After the pain subsided, I was unable to straighten my arms.

21. In time, though, the sheer intensity of David’s feelings likely subsided.

22. The unrest has subsided, but the local militias wield too much power.

23. By the early 1950s the ballpoint boom had subsided and Reynolds' company folded.

24. Hilda shrieked a couple of times, thuds followed, and she subsided to a whimper.

25. The pain subsided within few days after treatment with ibuprofen and ultrasound applied locally.

26. First Sledge hit him, and then me, and then he subsided and went quietly.

27. The clamour for action subsided and complacency over the labour situation again set in.

28. Little by little, and in the course of time, all this opposition subsided.

29. The wartime animus of the two nations subsided into mutual distrust when peace finally came.

30. By 17 though the fever had subsided, he was charging Edwards's Northampton following with insanity.

31. The nauseating fear that machine technology will replace all living species has subsided in my mind.

32. Prissy produced the sugar - tit, given her that morning by Mammy, and the baby's wails subsided.

33. Heat helps relax the contracted muscle during Cramping, while ice helps when the pain has subsided

34. The dominating Serbo-Macedonian neotectonic swell was rifted, and subsided along the Struma and Vardar lineaments.

Die Serbo-mazedonische neotektonische Schwelle war von Bruchspaltenbildung und Absenkung parallel der Struma- und Vardar-Lineamente betroffen.

35. As the minutes ticked away towards noon, the bustle subsided and a quietness settled across the gathering.

36. With the administration of anticholinergics, the neurological symptoms improved and the AV block subsided temporarily.

Unter der Gabe von Anticholinergika besserten sich die neurologischen Symptome und auch der AV-Block bildete sich vorübergehend zurück.

37. Once the feverish atmosphere of the Liberation had subsided the practice aroused feelings of shame.

38. 18 The pain subsided within few days after treatment with ibuprofen and ultrasound applied locally.

39. With a sigh of relief she subsided on to her silky pillow, snuggling up like a kitten.

40. The thatch of what remained of the subsided roof was streaked with the dark green of lichen.

41. And then her legs gently folded and she subsided slowly on the step, ungainly as a marionette.

42. The training officer lifted the phone, and the buzz in the room subsided in a split second.

43. The threat from pure e-tailers subsided as companies like the original, an online fashion retailer, went bust.

44. Sometimes staying quiet until the anger has subsided and then discussing it calmly with your mom or dad can help .

45. Lillian did not go for the powwow treatment; her rash subsided without help from either science or witchcraft.

46. Poor Larkins was one of four ducks as Garner took five for and the innings subsided to 194 all out.

47. The pain that John had inflicted all those years ago by leaving her had subsided into a cozy feeling of loss.

48. The lock had been built on quicksand, and gave continual trouble as the ground subsided and water seeped away.

49. When the riot had subsided I received affectionate hugs powerful enough to knacker horses and friendly shoves that toppled me over.

50. The latching relay conducts current from the AC power source to the electrical load after the inrush current has subsided.