subgroups in Germany

subgroups [sʌbgruːps] Untergruppe

Sentence patterns related to "subgroups"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subgroups" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subgroups", or refer to the context using the word "subgroups" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. All congruence subgroups are discrete.

Alle Kongruenzuntergruppen sind diskret.

2. Smokers were distributed randomly among subgroups.

3. All subgroups of an Abelian group are normal.

4. Compulsory voting will assist in not targeting specific subgroups

5. Covers the characteristics and subgroups of Arachnids

6. 17 A separation into subgroups or factions; a schism.

7. Theorem: All subgroups of a Cyclic group are Cyclic

8. The phylum Chordata is separated into three subgroups (or subphyla)

9. Ethnic distinctions among the Mongol subgroups are relatively minor.

10. It may decide to delegate its tasks to subgroups.

Sie kann beschließen, ihre Aufgaben an Untergruppen zu delegieren.

11. For smaller subgroups, the margin of sampling error is larger.

12. They participate in the subgroups where much of the work is done.

13. We have more information on the subgroups of Chelicerates, use the

14. The sample was split into nine subgroups, representing the federal states of Austria.

Die Stichprobe wurde in neun, die Österreichischen Bundesländer repräsentierenden, Subgruppen unterteilt.

15. A conjugate permutable subgroup is one that commutes with all its conjugate subgroups.

16. It encouraged the subgroups to make progress on their work between the sessions.

17. Mention has been made of the numerous subgroups that comprise the Manobo group.

18. (B) Relative Abundances of different subgroups of Actinobacteria from the acI lineage

19. If relevant the quantities shall be specified by subgroups as listed below.

Sofern relevant, sind die Mengen nach den im Folgenden aufgelisteten Untergruppen aufzuschlüsseln.

20. Three subgroups of Antimetabolites are used: folic acid, pyrimidine, and purine analogues.

21. Eight major ethnic groups and at least 127 subgroups inhabit the country.

22. A semisimple Lie group does not have any non-discrete normal abelian subgroups.

23. Measuring access to and financing of prescription drugs within and across population subgroups

24. Results based on smaller subgroups are subject to larger margins of sampling error.

25. Prevalent is this situation, that Ataxic is one of the major subgroups of CP

26. The 2-sylow subgroups of the Ree groups are elementary abelian of order 8.

27. Boas are divided into two subgroups which include the true Boas (Boinae) and the tree Boas (Corallus)

28. And this is one of the subgroups for cooperation in the Homeland Security Dialogue.

29. The reports of these subgroups’ meetings could be circulated for advocacy and information purposes.

30. Members of specific population subgroups (Native Canadians, for example) may also access the site.

31. Question: Sir, of the subgroups of the Strategic Partnership Council, how many have met so far?

32. The relevance of other personality traits differed in the diagnostic subgroups of nonpsychotic and psychotic bipolars.

Die Bedeutung anderer Persönlichkeitszüge differierte in den beiden diagnostischen Untergruppen.

33. Each major group is then divided into ten subgroups and assigned specific subjects within that group.

34. To explore the relation between personality, mental status, serum gastrin and functional dyspepsia and its subgroups.

35. Counting all the denominations, groups, subgroups and cults, the total number must be in the tens of thousands.

36. This group has an average age of approximately 8 million years and is further subdivided into three subgroups.

37. The gene pool of the resulting subgroups would be too small to ensure the viability of the population.

38. Concatenating the multivariate analysis methods allowed the division of each family into subgroups of affinities.

39. Data from both baseline and follow up specimens are shown separately for the two subgroups.

40. • Participation of Telehealth Coordinators in relevant subgroups of other Professional organizations (i.e.; Canadian Nurses Association (CNA))

41. Note that Karachentsev divides this group into two subgroups centered around IC 342 and Maffei 1.

42. Sixty caste and linguistic subgroups have formed throughout time with the waves of migration from Tibet and India.

43. HNSCCs are heterogeneous in their biology, and responses to chemotherapy are nonuniform and often only observable in subgroups.

HNSCC haben eine heterogene Biologie und sprechen bei Chemotherapie uneinheitlich und oft nur in Subgruppen an.

44. Both the eHealth and the eGovernment subgroups worked well, ensuring discussion and consensus on these important matters.

Die Untergruppen „ e Health“ (elektronische Gesundheitsdienste) und „ e Government“ (elektronische Behördendienste) arbeiteten gut, sie ermöglichten die Diskussion und Konsensfindung zu diesen wichtigen Themen.

45. The main group of squirrels also can be split into three subgroups, which yield the remaining subfamilies.

46. Here's one of the simplest ways to explain subgroups and Busses: Imagine you're a teacher in charge of 60 kids

47. After completing the study course, you are qualified to assume responsible tasks within the subgroups of Bayer.

In anderen Konzerngesellschaften können Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten im Produktmanagement bei der Ausarbeitung und Umsetzung weltweiter Produktkonzepte beweisen.

48. Acari and Acarina have both been used for a taxon composed of the arachnid subgroups OpilioAcariformes, Parasitiformes, and Acariformes

49. Organic brain syndrome can be divided into 2 major subgroups: acute (delirium or acute confusional state) and chronic (dementia).

50. These differences persisted when subgroups of patients were analysed according to Helicobacter pylori colonisation or degree of mucosal injury.