sublayer in Germany

sublayer [sʌbleiər] Teilschicht

Sentence patterns related to "sublayer"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sublayer" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sublayer", or refer to the context using the word "sublayer" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. This LLC sublayer is primarily concerned with multiplexing protocols to be sent over Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer.

2. The characteristic features of the sublayer (“Unterschicht”) of the atmosphere, viz. distinct vertical differences in density and uniform potential functions of air temperature, are due to the difference between the temperatures of the earth's surface and the air which on the continent is mostly produced by radiation, whereas in our latitudes at sea it is caused by advection.

Durch den Temperaturunterschied Erdoberfläche—Luft, auf dem Festland meistens durch Strahlung, über dem Meer unserer Breiten durch Advektion bedingt, entsteht die Unterschicht der Atmosphäre mit ausgeprägten vertikalen Dichteunterschieden und einheitlichen Potenzfunktionen der Lufttemperatur.

3. Powder for sublayer of coating type magnetic recording medium, comprising flat acicular iron oxide particles of 20 to 200 nm average major axis length, wherein a minor axis cross section made in the direction perpendicular to the major axis has a long width and a short width, the minor axis cross section ratio of long width to short width being larger than 1.3 substantially uniformly in the direction of major axis, which powder exhibits a specific surface area, measured by the BET method, of 30 to 100 m2/g.