stayed in Germany

stayed [steid] gebliebe

Sentence patterns related to "stayed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stayed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stayed", or refer to the context using the word "stayed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I stayed away.

2. Maybe A.H. stayed there.

3. From then on, the fairy weaver stayed in heaven, and the cowherd stayed on earth.

4. We stayed in adjacent rooms.

5. We stayed outside till twilight.

6. We stayed together all night.

7. They stayed in adjoining rooms.

8. And still he stayed away.

9. He stayed Collected throughout the ordeal

10. She stayed out partying all night.

Sie hat die ganze Nacht lang Party gemacht.

11. Fortunately, the good ones have stayed.

12. She stayed overnight in the hotel.

13. He stayed at home all day.

14. l should have stayed in L.A.

15. Imogen stayed with her widowed sister.

16. We stayed in a swanky hotel.

17. 12 We stayed at a lodge.

18. She stayed true to her principles.

19. I stayed to the bitter end.

20. We stayed overnight with my mother.

21. Yeah. I should've stayed in college.

22. Others stayed faithful while in captivity.

23. Everybody stayed with a heavy heart.

24. We stayed for an hour or so.

25. The passengers who felt seasick stayed below .

26. I Stayed in Callao for 2 nights

27. Mary Magdalene stayed by the tomb, crying.

28. He stayed in for two productive partnerships.

29. His glance stayed posited on the spot.

30. The people stayed loyal to their country.

31. We stayed at a splendid hostel there.

32. She stayed home from work, pleading illness.

33. He stayed in, and the recession worsened.

34. We stayed in a rustic old lodge.

35. Fearing a blizzard, many people stayed home.

36. He stayed in hiding for a year.

37. Stayed within the compass of the schoolyard.

38. Her skin had stayed soft and supple.

39. I've never stayed in a nice hotel.

40. 10 She stayed huffy a good while.

41. One of the last nights, Amelia begged off going to a party and stayed home, so Toot stayed home too.

42. I stayed in that night Awaiting her summons

43. I followed orders and stayed at my position

44. I stayed in that night awaiting her summons.

45. Modigliani would never have stayed with a nonentity.

46. He stayed with the club until November 7.

47. Many famous people have stayed in the hotel.

48. I stayed in lest I should catch cold.

49. Who stayed with you when I was born?

50. He stayed home to finish up his assignment.