sonorous in Germany

sonorous [sənɔːrəs] klangvoll, sono

Sentence patterns related to "sonorous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sonorous" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sonorous", or refer to the context using the word "sonorous" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Sonorous singing came from the distance.

2. He has a deep sonorous voice.

3. This poem is both majestic and sonorous.

4. Duanmu - sonorous voice to continue to have said.

5. While talking , the professor sounds very sonorous , and forcful.

6. Mr. Kenge spoke in a sonorous voice.

7. There is a sonorous bell in the tower.

8. The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.

9. I take a stroll in the sonorous gardens.

10. Luther's Protestantism is a grand theology, a sonorous earnest hardheaded Christianity.

11. Northern opera is defined by very loud and sonorous singing.

12. The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the room.

13. "Doctor McKee?" the man called in an even, sonorous voice.

14. It was possible that the sweetly sonorous hymns stimulated me.

15. The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the hall.

16. His voice was sonorous, and long, flourished sentences came from his mouth perfectly formed.

17. These much - quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of Bartram.

18. His sonorous, Actorly tones boom around the enclosed space, a mark of his self-confidence

19. The outer door was open this time and a sonorous voice responded to his knock.

20. From time to time in the Life, he describes Johnson's voice as manly, or deep, or sonorous, or loud.

21. It was not the breathing of a seventeen-year-old, that's for sure, but something more sonorous.

22. A Chiming clock is a sonorous and old-fashioned way to display the time in your home

23. And then there was the music, which would sound far more ample and sonorous when played indoors.

24. Loud, echoing, thundering, bellowing, resounding, deafening, strident, resonant, sonorous, stentorian The ginger man had a large Booming voice

25. Abnegation copious eulogy euphony extraneous mundane poignant progeny sonorous tenure Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

26. One hour later the sonorous tones of Dame Melba's singing resonated through a little backstreet near the river.

27. Immediately the sonorous booming of the sea flowed into and took possession of the room like a vibrating and irresistible force.

28. This year a mere sprat of a northern lass won my heart playing hers out on a mighty and sonorous trombone.

29. Well-versed in the art of sonorous 808s and connoisseur of unsympathetic breakdowns, Bay Area producer Antiserum has made his mark genre-blending

30. Alphorns, also known as Alpine Horns or Alpenhorns, make a warm, rich, sonorous, mysterious sound; their history is old and married to the Alps

31. Corporeal Gesture (in the sense of Corporeal-instrumental-sonorous movement) aside, a whole chain of musical significance permeates procedures and works produced with the aid of a computer

32. Afterward is a delightfully spooky story, short enough to be enjoyed in an evening if you are brave enough to face the ghosts! Edith Wharton's prose is beautiful, and so sonorous that is seems made to be read aloud

33. ‘Switzerland's Christian Zehnder and Balthasar Streiff are more than simply a duo playing the human voice and the sonorous, avalanche-inducing Alpenhorn off each other.’ ‘In the rarefied atmosphere of Davos, amid the snow-covered Swiss mountains and the distant sound of yodelling and Alpenhorn, it is easy to lose sight of more down-to

34. ‘Switzerland's Christian Zehnder and Balthasar Streiff are more than simply a duo playing the human voice and the sonorous, avalanche-inducing Alpenhorn off each other.’ ‘In the rarefied atmosphere of Davos, amid the snow-covered Swiss mountains and the distant sound of yodelling and Alpenhorn, it is easy to lose sight of more down-to

35. Alberich's hammer - Gabriel Fauré hears its sonorous echoes rise from the smithy at Moulinéry when his parents settle down in the premises of the Ecole Normale of Montgauzy, which according to one of its Heads, looks like the ‘Flying Dutchman’ from a misty distance; the 4-year-old child will bring back to the composer's memory the symphony of bells ringing out in Ganac and Cadirac at the time of the angelus, which marks the beginning of the Andante of the 2nd quartet.

Den Hammer von Alberich vernimmt Gabriel Fauré in den Geräuschen des Eisenhüttenwerks von Moulinéry, als seine Eltern sich in der Ecole Normale von Montgauzy niederlassen, einer Schule, die, mit den Worten eines ihrer Direktoren, "von weitem wie ein Geisterschiff aussieht"; in dem Komponisten lebt das, was er als Vierjähriger gehört hat: Die Symphonie der Glocke von Ganac und Cadirac beim Angelus-Laüten, das den Anfang des Andante des zweiten Quartetts prägt.

36. And one feels a sense of expectation throughout the Symphony we heard: slow tempi open and guide us in a hidden, almost timeless dimension; from the first tempo, marked by the indication “Feierlich-mysteriously” to the adagio that opens grandly with the first violins. It develops rising progressively through a succession of bright moments, sudden silences, isolated timbres, and sonorous notes of the organ, from the chorus, to bursts of sound, melodious tones, until it reaches the paccata. The quiet radiant conclusion in E major.

In der gesamten Symphonie, die wir gehört haben, ist das Bewußtsein einer beständigen Erwartung zu spüren, gedehnte Tempi, die uns eine geheimnisvolle, fast zeitlose Dimension eröffnen und uns in sie hineinführen; vom ersten Satz, der mit dem Hinweis »Feierlich-misterioso« bezeichnet ist, bis zum Adagio, das mit einer großartigen Bewegung der ersten Violinen einsetzt und sich in einem progressiven Aufstieg in die Höhe entwickelt, wobei lichte Momente, unvermittelte Stille, isolierte Klangabschnitte, die Klangwirkung der Orgel, Choräle, Klangexplosionen und unbeschwerte Kantabile abwechseln, bis hin zum ruhigen, strahlenden Schluß in E-Dur.