sophistries in Germany

sophistries [sɔfistriz] Sophistereie

Sentence patterns related to "sophistries"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sophistries" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sophistries", or refer to the context using the word "sophistries" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He was hostile to their hypocritical sophistries.

2. The sophistries of men ring in our ears, and sin surrounds us.

3. Synonyms for Casuistries include speciousnesses, chicaneries, equivocations, sophisms, sophistries, casuistics, deceptions, deceptiveness, delusions and evasions

4. Alexander’s brief reign fostered a love for sophistries, an enthusiasm for sports, and an appreciation for aesthetics.

5. But Pascal, under the influence of Jansenism, was fundamentally hostile to the Jesuits and their notorious sophistries.

6. Synonyms for Bastardies include illegitimacies, bars sinister, spuriousness, bastardism, illegitimations, batons sinister, bends sinister, deceptions, deceptiveness and sophistries

7. It is profound and complete: but its very learned author could not then have at hand the five volumes of Rosmini’s Teosofia, which was a posthumous work; nor could he anticipate the sophistries and Cavillings by which Monsignor F*** has sought to justify the Rosminian theories