simplification in Germany

simplification [simplifikeiʃən] Vereinfachung

Sentence patterns related to "simplification"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "simplification" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "simplification", or refer to the context using the word "simplification" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 1995 District Convention Simplification

2. (b) Administrative simplification and process re-engineering

3. Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures.

4. simplification of the procedures for advancing money

die Vereinfachung der Modalitäten für finanzielle Vorleistungen

5. Much of this simplification may be irreversible.

6. Complaints have led to simplification of the rules.

7. Like any such diagram, it is a simplification.

8. What she said was a useful simplification of the theory.

9. Simplification and harmonization of programming, operational and administrative procedures

10. Alignment of social security rights and the simplification of procedures ***I (debate)

Freizügigkeit: Vereinfachung der Verfahren im Rahmen der Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit ***I (Aussprache)

11. Simplification as a prerequisite for successful implementation of small projects

Vereinfachung als notwendige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Durchführung von Kleinprojekten

12. Alignment of social security rights and the simplification of procedures ***I

Freizügigkeit: Vereinfachung der Verfahren im Rahmen der Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit ***I

13. Antiphonals were also a simplification of a music type called motet.

14. - Definitive VAT system: simplification and adaptation to the needs of the internal market

- Endgültige Mehrwertsteuer-Regelung: Vereinfachung und Anpassung an den Binnenmarkt

15. Simplification and alignment of Tunnel category E text and of ADR

16. Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible.

17. The portal can then be used to monitor the process of simplification.

18. What they get from infomercials is simplification in administration, collection and sales.

19. 22 synonyms for Clarification: explanation, interpretation, exposition, illumination, simplification, elucidation, construction, decipherment, elucidation

20. Aggregation at the RPE level also provides a simplification to the reporting requirements

21. This will result in considerable simplification in the preparation, translation, and shipping of our literature.

22. People often misinterpret what simplification means. It a way to remove work from your life.

23. ► Simplification of administrative procedures and laws affecting foreign nationals (Act No. 14/2003).

24. Of course the above differentiation between book selection and censorship is a simplification.

25. The present inflectional system represents a radical simplification of the grammar of Old Irish.

26. People often misinterpret what simplification means. It's not a way to remove work from your life.

27. Simplification of application architecture, reducing the number of systems used to accomplish one task

28. Binegation in distilled simplification represents the basic truth of mathematics in one simple idea

29. Acse methodology for a successful implementation is based on business process reengineering and simplification

30. Above all, war inspires the simplification of normal complexities into the heroism of folklore.

31. These figures are a simplification. The real situation is much more complicated than this.

32. We also conduct negotiations on business visa facilitation agreements and simplification of visa procedures agreements.

33. Familiarity with boolean algebra and its simplification process will help with understanding the following examples.

Die Boolesche Algebra und ihr Simplifizierungsprozess hilft beim Verständnis der folgenden Beispiele.

34. Further simplification of the general ledger is brought about by the use of subsidiary ledger.

35. 23 Above all, war inspires the simplification of normal complexities into the heroism of folklore.

36. Finally, the end of small-scale conciliation is absolutely vital to the process of simplification.

Und schließlich ist der Wegfall der kleinen Schlichtung ein unbedingt erforderlicher Teil der Vereinfachung.

37. (e) for reasons of simplification, only applications for amounts of over EUR50 will be accepted.

e) in dem Bemühen um Vereinfachung werden nur Anträge für einen Betrag von mehr als 50 EUR berücksichtigt.

38. Timely and correct transposition of Community legislation and administrative simplification are crucial to facilitate enforcement.

Die fristgerechte und ordnungsgemäße Übertragung des Gemeinschaftsrechts und die verwaltungstechnische Vereinfachung sind zentrale Voraussetzungen einer besseren Rechtsdurchsetzung.

39. It is a simplification to banish all but the principal actors from the international stage.

40. Simplification of procedure: It has been decided to accept registered rent agreement as proof of address.

41. The functional relation between equipment examination cycle and rate is found by rational simplification and resolution.

42. This part of the amendment is not accepted as it does not meet the desired goal of simplification.

Diesem Teil der Abänderung wird nicht zugestimmt, da es nicht der angestrebten Vereinfachung dient.

43. The Urdu script has to remain as it is , though some slight simplification of it might be attempted .

44. Alternatives Canada is signatory to the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures.

45. Adams soon realized that a simplification of the Evershed plan was not only necessary but also feasible.

46. –To allow simplification of fund programming and management thus reducing the administrative burden for authorities and beneficiaries.

–Vereinfachung der Programmplanung und Verwaltung der Fonds und damit eine Verringerung des Verwaltungsaufwands für Behörden und Begünstigte.

47. For this you must be good at calculation, how fast you can calculate values and you can download simplification and Approximation questions pdf at smartkeeda at free of cost, at this page you will also get simplification and Approximation questions for bank po pdf.

48. The Worldwide Fund for Nature and other conservation groups have called for a simplification of this network.

49. The unemployment trap has been substantially eased and the simplification of social security has had major effects.

50. Sometimes, all the language versions can be simplified, but sometimes only particular language versions are amenable to simplification.

Dabei kann es sich um Vereinfachungen handeln, die für alle Sprachfassungen gelten, oder um solche, die sich nur auf eine Sprachfassung beziehen.