sine in Germany

sine [sainkəːv] Sinus [math.]

Sentence patterns related to "sine"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sine" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sine", or refer to the context using the word "sine" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Is it sine, sine, or is it sine, cosine?

2. Hyperbolic sine

3. adjourned sine die

4. Inverse hyperbolic sine

5. It can be derived as the reciprocal of sine: Cosec = 1/Sine

6. That' s Sine- Aid

Das ist Sine- Aid

7. length B, sine theta.

8. Times sine of x.

9. Well that's sine, right?

10. The meeting adjourned sine die.

11. SINE Breves, Breves (Breves, Brazil)

12. Well, it's sine of x.

13. You should know the derivative of cosine is minus sine, the derivative of sine is cosine.

14. And that's because I should be subtracting sine of 0 but sine of 0 is 0.

15. The case was adjourned sine die.

16. Here the smaller of the sine and cosine is required to be considered as the desired (sine).

17. Sine of pi over 3, or sine of 60 degrees, is square root of 3 over 2.

18. Theyre my bu' sine' s' s

Sie sind mein Geschäft

19. The meeting will adjourn sine die.

20. The hearing is adjourned sine die.

21. XSLT doesn't have a sine function.

22. This is the condition sine qua non ;

Dies ist die Conditio sine qua non;

23. Unlike the graphs of sine and cosine, secant and Cosecant have vertical asymptotes whenever the cosine and sine equal zero, respectively

24. Then this will be adjourned sine die.

25. This Specialized Section was adjourned sine die.

26. I, therefore, adjourn the appeal sine die.

27. The Tribunal adjourned these complaints sine die.

28. So it' s like sine and cosine

Wie Sinus und Cosinus

29. The sine of theta is 3/ 5.

30. Velkommen til Bolten - Alt innen festemidler sine nettsider

31. Well, sine of 2 pi is just 0.

32. The test signal shall be a radio frequency sine wave, amplitude modulated by a # kHz sine wave at a modulation depth m of #,# ±

Das Prüfsignal muss eine hochfrequente Sinuswelle sein, amplitudenmoduliert durch ein Sinussignal von # kHz mit einem Modulationsgrad (m) von #,# ±

33. This function returns the sine of an angle.

34. This is a sine instead of a cosine.

35. Energy is the sine qua non of development.

36. The application is adjourned sine die [without date].”

Die Verhandlung über den Antrag wird auf unbestimmte Zeit vertagt.“

37. Computationally efficient sine wave synthesis for acoustic waveform processing

38. This is just what " sine, " " cosine, " and " tangent " are.

39. Chart for use sine bar survey conical gauge's situation.

40. The test signal shall be a radio frequency sine wave, amplitude modulated by a # kHz sine wave at a modulation depth m of # ±

Das Prüfsignal muß eine hochfrequente Sinuswelle sein, amplitudenmoduliert durch ein Sinussignal von # kHz mit einem Modulationsgrad (m) von # ±

41. This Codex Committee is at present adjourned sine die

42. The shape of pulse load approaches half sine wave.Sentencedict

43. Standardization of Cut Flowers (GE.9) - adjourned sine die

44. Bu' sine' s' s i' s holding up fine

Das Geschäft läuft

45. This Codex Committee is at present adjourned sine die.

46. Trust is a sine qua non for any counselling.

47. Reaggregate taen papillosarcoma sine-wave hypersophisticated Orsay vuggiest academized Bisinuation

48. Til Audiensene brakte han med seg flere av sine malerier

49. That is length A times length B times sine theta.

50. Strength of character is the sine qua non of leadership.