severity code in Germany

severity code [siveritiːkoud] Schweregrad, Schweregradangabe

Sentence patterns related to "severity code"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "severity code" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "severity code", or refer to the context using the word "severity code" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. What's the median severity?

2. Replace severity> with one of the available severity levels, as described in the advanced documentation .

Ersetzen Sie Schwere> durch eine der vorhandenen Schweregrade, wie sie in der weiterführenden Dokumentation beschrieben sind.

3. He spoke with great severity.

4. He frowned with mock severity.

5. With more of mildness than severity.

6. Caries Classification According to Their Severity

7. 19 He frowned with mock severity.

8. The criminal was punished with severity.

9. His severity scared the children away.

10. One is called the Diagnostic Statistical Severity Index and the other, the Canadian Problem Gambling Severity Index.

Eine heißt Diagnostic Statistical Severity Index (Statistischer Schweregradindex für die Diagnose) und der andere Canadian Problem Gambling Severity Index (Kanadischer Schweregradindex für problematisches Spielverhalten).

11. She wagged her finger with mock severity.

12. The disease ranges widely in severity.

13. Bacitracin Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity

14. The criminal was punished with severity.

15. Severity of expressive aphasia varies among patients.

16. 21 She wagged her finger with mock severity.

17. We didn't realize the severity of her illness.

18. They could only be curbed by an awful severity.

19. She treated herself with what seemed like utter severity.

20. It may reduce the frequency and severity of colds.

21. How beautifully balanced are “God’s kindness and severity”!

22. The severity of Caking can be influenced by a

23. Blackmail is a severity level 7, nonperson felony"

24. Byssinosis can have symptoms that can range in severity

25. The distribution of Aetiologies according to severity scores showed …