severe lecture in Germany

severe lecture [siviərlektʃər] Strafpredigt

Sentence patterns related to "severe lecture"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "severe lecture" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "severe lecture", or refer to the context using the word "severe lecture" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. No lecture?

2. Don't lecture me.

3. Professor Pearson gave the inaugural lecture in the new lecture theatre.

4. Will they lecture you ?

5. Where's the lecture hall?

Wo ist der Vortragssaal.

6. Lecture you on what?

7. "Joan Anim-Addo Inaugural Lecture".

8. You dare lecture me, slave?

9. She gave them a chastening lecture.

10. Lecture after lecture, accompanied by complaints about the futility of lectures and his reluctance to give them.

11. She gave them a Chastening lecture

12. We're sitting in another lecture together.

13. She yawned during his lecture.

14. The lecture wasn't very meaty.

15. Batos loves to lecture and teach

16. Tom doodled during the whole lecture.

17. Can I borrow your lecture notes?

18. I found his lecture completely inaccessible.

19. The lecture hall was packed solid .

20. Lecture 1 Introduction to Scattering Amplitudes - CornellCast

21. He took copious notes during the lecture.

22. To be present at: Attended the lecture

23. " Saw my name on the lecture slate "?

24. See you in the lecture hall.

Ich sehe Sie dann im Hörsaal.

25. That lecture bored me to tears!