sandstones in Germany

sandstones [sændstounz] Sandsteine

Sentence patterns related to "sandstones"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sandstones" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sandstones", or refer to the context using the word "sandstones" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The formation has pebbly sandstones, arkosic sandstones and siltstones, and intercalated thin Arenaceous …

2. Argillaceous sandstones contain a significant level of clay or silt

3. (1) The thinner Bedded sandstones are considered overbank flood deposits

4. Textural and stratification data show that the Weissliegendes sandstones were deposited in a shallow marine depositional environment and that the aeolian dune origin for the sandstones should be rejected.

Makro- und Mikrogefüge der Sandsteine des Weißliegenden deuten darauf hin, daß die Sande im marinen Flachwasserbereich abgelagert wurden, weshalb ein äolischer Ursprung nicht länger aufrecht erhalten werden kann.

5. Cementation is one of the main processes involved, particularly for sandstones and conglomerates

6. Favorable reservoirs may be composed of sandstones, conglomerates basement metamorphic buried hills, and volcanic rocks.

7. Authigenetic mineral assemblages in sandstones of a given burial history (Worden and Burley, 2003)

8. Provenance work on the turbidite sandstones has indicated at least two sources for heavy minerals.

9. Such rocks are said to be permeable; sandstones and gravels are good examples of permeable rocks.

10. It lies unconformably on gneisses of the Lewisian complex or sandstones of the Torridonian Supergroup.

Sie folgen diskordant über dem Lewisian oder über der Torridonian Supergroup.

11. Till-covered plain Derived from gneisses, sandstones and conglomerates the extensive glacial tills in Lewis have sandy loam textures.

12. Authigenic kaolin and illitic minerals during burial diagenesis of sandstones: a review - Volume 37 Issue 1

13. Mud and sand accumulated in this setting to become the gray sandstones and mudstones of the Kaiparowits Formation.

14. On the surface, we see in abundance in some areas of the commune sandstones of Cenozoic age (see map) geological).

15. 29 This indicates the sandstones can be over 30 m thick and are separated by well-defined shale beds.

16. 23 The most suitable places for fossilisation are in seas and lakes where sedimentary deposits like sandstones and limestones are slowly accumulating.

17. The southern edge of the dome is overlain by sandstones of Triassic age though they barely impinge on the National Park.

18. Bioturbation is common in both mudstones and sandstones, including vertical and horizontal sand-filled burrows, and Bioturbation is evident in some granulestones

19. A significant exception to the above are the fossil-bearing beds of Old Red Sandstones found principally along the Moray Firth coast.

20. At Cumbrian Stone we stock a wide range of red, buff and grey sandstones that are suitable for a wide variety of uses

21. The Minjur Formation is composed of three lithofacies units characterized by Argillaceous quartzitic sandstones, shales, mudstones, dolomitic and ferruginous limestones with thin coal seams

22. Volcaniclastic mélange block sandstones could be derived from older Tertiary volcanic terranes of the northeast Olympic Peninsula, or from Mesozoic accretionary terranes.

23. Some arenites contain a varying amount of carbonatic components and thus belong to the rock-category of carbonatic sandstones or silicatic limestones.

24. As a result, joints that traverse impermeable deformation band shear zones may provide the primary pathways for fluid flow in sandstones Compartmentalized by these zones.

25. 29 Various hydrocarbon migration paths towards these special reservoirs involve unconformable surface, fault surface, s4 and s3 sandstones, and Proterozoic interior laminar formation.

26. Carbonate cement is universally more than 10% in sandstones of the upper Yungang formation in Yungang Grottoes area. It's mainly composed of ferriferous calcite and ferriferous dolomite.

27. The middle part of the member consists of pinkish, brownish or mostly purplish sandstones, which are less siliceous and generally possess an Argillaceous matrix

28. The porosity decrease with depth in sandstones is mainly controlled by temperature, pressure, time, grain size, and the actual composition of sediment and interstitial water.

In Sandsteinen wird die Porositätsabnahme mit der Tiefe vor allem von Temperatur, Druck, Zeitdauer, Korngröße und der jeweiligen Zusammensetzung von Sediment und Porenwasser bestimmt.

29. 28 Dating from the Eocene Epoch, the crater is likely less than 50 million years old, but the impact bored into Proterozoic sandstones well over 500 million years old.

30. 27 The favourable reservoir sandstones in these gas pools may broadly be assigned to the deltaic front channel mouth bar, deltaic plain distributary channel bar and fluvial channel bar microfacies.

31. Fine-grained aquifers, such as sandstones, are better able to filter out pollutants from the surface than are rocks with cracks and crevices, such as limestone or other rocks fractured by seismic activity.

32. The favourable reservoir sandstones in these gas pools may broadly be assigned to the deltaic front channel mouth bar, deltaic plain distributary channel bar and fluvial channel bar microfacies.

33. The series consists of silty sericite schists, ordinary and conglomeratic greywackes, arkosic sandstones, thinly banded slates of varvitic type, conglomerates and volcanites, i. e. spilitic porphyrites and amygdaloids, tuffs and quartz keratophyres.

Sie besteht aus serizitischen Siltschiefern, normalen und konglomeratischen Grauwacken, arkosenartigen Sandsteinen, dünn gestreiften Schiefern vom warwitischen Typus, mächtigen Konglomeraten und Vulkaniten (spilitischen Porphyriten und Mandelsteinen, Tuffen und Quarzkeratophyren).

34. The post-Cambrian marine sedimentation is made up of alternate layers of limestone, dolomites, schists and clays, with the successive series of Pliocene sedimentations represented by basal conglomerates, marls, clays and finally loose sandstones and sand

Die Meeressedimente des Nachkambrium umfassen eine dichte Abfolge von Kalkstein, Dolomit, Schiefer und Ton, die darauffolgenden Sedimente aus dem Pliozän bestehen einem Gemisch von Basalt, Mergel, Ton sowie einzelnen Steinen aus Sandstein und Sand

35. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society by Franklin Lafayette Riley, Mississippi Historical Society (1901) "local feature, with the sandstones of Neshoba and Newton counties; which again connect unequivocally with the characteristic "Burstones" of Lauderdale

36. The post-Cambrian marine sedimentation is made up of alternate layers of limestone, dolomites, schists and clays, with the successive series of Pliocene sedimentations represented by basal conglomerates, marls, clays and finally loose sandstones and sand.

Die Meeressedimente des Nachkambrium umfassen eine dichte Abfolge von Kalkstein, Dolomit, Schiefer und Ton, die darauffolgenden Sedimente aus dem Pliozän bestehen aus einem Gemisch von Basalt, Mergel, Ton sowie einzelnen Steinen aus Sandstein und Sand.

37. Chalcedony can be found as vein fillings or crusts in volcanic rocks, as the main constituent in silica-rich marine sedimentary rocks, as layers in limestone and marls, as cement in sandstones, and as a fossilizing material

38. Other articles where Cuvette is discussed: Congo basin: …the Congo basin—often called the Cuvette (literally “saucer” or “shallow bowl”)—is an immense depression containing Quaternary alluvial deposits that rest on thick sediments of continental origin, consisting principally of sands and sandstones

39. Authigenic quartz overgrowths are the most common pore-occluding mineral in deeply buried (>2500 m) quartzose sandstones. But, deeply buried reservoirs of this kind in the North Sea contain more porosity than expected when the influence of Authigenic microcrystalline quartz (microquartz, or the good quartz) is ignored.

40. ‘The main slivers of Devonian rocks found within the fault zone in the Rhynie area are sandstones and Andesite in the Rhyme block and the Longcroft Tuffs in the Windyfield block.’ ‘The volcanic strata consist of sheet-like flows of Andesite, dacite, basalts, and trachybasalts that are …