sampling in Germany

sampling [sɑːmpliŋ] Abtasten, probierend, Repräsentativbefragung, Stichprobenprüfung

Sentence patterns related to "sampling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sampling" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sampling", or refer to the context using the word "sampling" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. At present, the methods of random sampling, systematic sampling and stratified sampling are widely used in remote sensing sampling.

2. Allows customized sampling scenarios through statistical sampling.

3. Adaptive sampling

Angepasste Lichtstrahlen

4. For sampling with impinger: use subcode ‘IM’; active sampling on sorbent: subcode ‘AS’; diffusive sampling: subcode ‘DI’.

Bei Probenahme mit Impinger: Untercode „IM“ verwenden; aktive Probenahme auf Sorbentien: Untercode „AS“ verwenden ; Diffusionsprobenahmen : Untercode „DI“.

5. In certain situations, the non - sampling error even surpasses the sampling error to the sampling result influence.

6. Sampling of male Arrestees and purposive sampling of female Arrestees

7. Aseptic sampling involves the use of sterile sampling implements and containers

8. 3 Quota sampling is like stratified sampling, but with an important variation.

9. Microplate sampling adapter

10. The multichannel data sampling system includes three parts i. e analog signal pretreatment circuit, data sampling circuit, data sampling control circuit.

11. Methods Cluster sampling and random sampling Methods: Were used to choose the subject.

12. Convenience sampling is the most common form of nonprobabilistic sampling, mostly because it is misused

13. The provisions for sampling at retail stage should be aligned with the general sampling procedures.

Die Bestimmungen über die Probenahme im Einzelhandel sollten an die allgemeinen Probenahmeverfahren angeglichen werden.

14. Active current mode sampling circuit

15. 4.3.6 - Aseptic SAMPLE Aseptic sampling is a technique used to prevent contamination by your sampling method

16. The produced gas stream volumina are infinitely variable to be adjusted to the sampling volumina of different sampling systems (e.g. personal pumps for personal-air-sampling).

Körperpumpen für das „personal-air-sampling“) angleichen.

17. Aoap ILLUSTRATED SAMPLING Figure 4 - Oil Sampling Tube Figure 6 - Oil Analysis Drain Method APPENDIX D

18. The quality could be acceptable if a sampling strategy of 10 per cent sampling ratio is adopted.

19. The estimation of the sampling variance must take into account the sampling design and changes of strata.

Bei der Schätzung der Stichprobenvarianz sind der Stichprobenplan und Änderungen der Schichten zu berücksichtigen.

20. provisions for collecting, sampling and transport of biological agents from the sampling point to the place of treatment;

21. Methods for measurement, sampling and analysis

Mess-, Probenahme- und Analysemethoden

22. • Alpha Test of the Sampling Methodology

23. D Exactly above the sampling outlet

24. Sampling Procedures Ambient concentrations of benzene are measured using a set of standard sampling and analytical methods

25. Acceptance and compliance sampling shall be in accordance with officially sanctioned Measurement Canada sampling plans as applicable.

26. The Sampling Control Seals are based on a highly adhesive backing in order to repair sacks after sampling.

Dieser Kontroll Verschluss Siegel verschliesst Löcher nach Beprobung aus Säcken, Kartons und Big-Bags. Auch Lieferbar in lebensmittelechter Ausführung.

27. Wine sampling Clink! Commemorative Tasting Glass

28. Mike Rowbottom has been sampling it.

29. • Halifax Agreement - Acceptance Sampling Plan Documentation 2005

30. Compressor lubricant sampling, analysis of oil quality.

31. 3.5 Measurement Canada - Meter Sampling Program Adaptability

32. Halifax Agreement - Acceptance Sampling Plan Documentation 2005

33. - Activated sludge : sludge sampling sites and concentration,


34. Bioprospector uses a stochastic Gibb's sampling alignment algorithm

35. · On-site sampling of airborne dusts and gases

36. Adaptive predistortion linearized amplifier system employing selective sampling

37. All samplers yielded equivalent levels of sampling precision.

38. Table for Acceptance — Rejection Sampling Plan by Attributes

Tabelle für Annahme/Ablehnung im Rahmen des Stichprobenplans mit Attributmerkmalen

39. Problems of sampling and analytical procedures are discussed.

Über die Probleme der Probenahme und Analytik der ausgewählten Stoffe wird berichtet.

40. Identify the observers who will do the sampling.

41. The techniques (amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, fetal blood sampling, placentocentesis, fetal cells from maternal blood) all involve obtaining fetal cells for analysis.

Bei den Untersuchungsmethoden (Amniozentese, Chorionbiopsie, Nabelvenenpunktion, Plazentozentese, fetale Zellen aus mütterlichem Blut) ist das Vorhandensein von fetalen Zellen zur Diagnostik erforderlich.

42. Due to the uncertainties regarding the sensitivity of this strategy, it is needed that food businesses operators using this alternative establish a sampling plan, including sampling procedures and sampling points of the spent irrigation water.

Da die Empfindlichkeit dieser Strategie aber nicht gewiss ist, müssen Lebensmittelunternehmer bei Nutzung dieser Alternative einen Probenahmeplan mit entsprechenden Verfahren und den Entnahmepunkten des benutzten Bewässerungswassers erstellen.

43. Table for acceptance/rejection sampling plan by attributes

Tabelle für Annahme-/Rückweisezahlen des Stichprobenplans Aufgrund von Attributen

44. • specify sampling and laboratory methods in advance; and

45. • A plan to be used for Acceptance Sampling

46. Health certificate and results of sampling and analysis

Genusstauglichkeitsbescheinigung und Ergebnisse der Probenahme und der Analyse

47. Results of sampling and analysis and health certificate

Ergebnisse der Probenahme und Analyse sowie Gesundheitszeugnis

48. The hummingbird probe's bump sampling would Circumvent this problem



50. 5.0 Finalise Acceptance Sampling Plan and Implementation Process 5.1.