safety factor in Germany

safety factor [seiftiːfæktər] Sicherheitsfakto

Sentence patterns related to "safety factor"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "safety factor" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "safety factor", or refer to the context using the word "safety factor" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. This is an important safety factor for aeronautical use.

2. Besides the reduction in noise there was an increased safety factor.

Außer der Lärmreduzierung gab es einen erhöhten Sicherheitsfaktor.

3. When a small safety factor is ignored, even a great dam can collapse.

4. Annex ZZ defines how the safety factor and permissible stress shall be determined.

In Anhang ZZ wird definiert, wie der Sicherheitsfaktor und die zulässige Belastung festgelegt werden.

5. Key words : probability, sheet-pile wall, active and passive pressure, friction angle, safety factor, safety margin, reliability index.

6. The concept of safety factor is discussed taking into account the strength and the loading of the pillars.

Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Fragen der Festigkeit und der Belastung von Bergfesten eingegangen.

7. Thus, the safety factor of saltatory conduction is high, allowing transmission to bypass nodes in case of injury.

8. Key words: slope stability, safety factor, method of slices, interslice forces, finite elements, interslice force functions, clay, slopes.

9. Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI): 0.005 mg/kg bw/day (based on rat neurotoxicity study with 100 Safety Factor)

10. Where dangerous goods are present, an essential safety factor is the capability to detect very quickly any accidental event and give the alarm.

11. Where dangerous goods are present, an essential safety factor is the capability to detect very quickly any accidental event and give the alarm

12. 26 The magnitude of the safety factor at 4 corner points of the previous control convergent matrix will determine the movement direction of the next control convergent matrix.

13. Loads on Bobstay – components sizing: Warning! The load generated by Code 0 or Asymmetrical spinnaker when reaching is high - therefore Bobstay components need to be sized accordingly with a minimum safety factor of two

14. It will be shown from the results of stability calculations, based on measured pore-water pressures, that the safety factor of the slope decreased immediately after excavation was completed and that the slope failed some time later when the water-pressure conditions were most adverse to stability.