sailed through in Germany

sailed through [seildθruː] durchgesegelt

Sentence patterns related to "sailed through"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sailed through" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sailed through", or refer to the context using the word "sailed through" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He simply sailed through the difficult exam.

2. 19 He simply sailed through the difficult exam.

3. He sailed through the night to his father's lands.

4. The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.

5. While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled.

6. 4 The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.

7. He reached up, but the ball sailed through his hands.

8. D'Abreu sailed through Ambon while Serrão went ahead towards Maluku islands.

D'Abreu segelte weiter nach Ambon, während Serrão zu den Molukken segelte.

9. Sailed through college, picked up academic jargon like a duckling gobbles worms.

10. He sailed through Alpine in eight weeks, a month less than the average stay.

11. Over the years he has sailed through the pages of many books and silver screen.

12. Now, having sailed through the trial, I know I'm gonna save big, upgrade my thriftiness and become more independent.

13. The runway had upon it a light skein of mist, and he sailed through it and up into the high air.

14. The islands were given their collective name and also English names by Captain Cook when he sailed through the area in 1770.

15. This simply constructed craft floated on a mass of 000 plastic bottles and was sailed through the patch by oceanographers Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal.

16. ‘A gentle and lyrical Andantino in triple time with a lilting rhythm and an emotional central section ended intimately, in stillness.’ More example sentences ‘Perlman fairly sailed through these Andantinos and caprices, using each one to showcase yet another aspect of his extraordinary mastery of the instrument.’

17. Cher has 3 plus decades of folk rock, (All I really..)to current disco anthems with a few "gypsies " in between.The original version of "Bang Bang" is superior to the Geffen version, and that too is here.The voice that cuts through concrete sailed through the new millenium.Cher has been known as a single artist,and this cd supports her